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[gnso-improvem-impl-sc] FOR REVIEW: Draft Note to GNSO Council Chair re SCI Charter

  • To: "gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] FOR REVIEW: Draft Note to GNSO Council Chair re SCI Charter
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2013 08:15:43 -0700

Dear SCI members,

As discussed in our meeting yesterday, below for your review is a draft
message alerting Jonathan that the SCI would like to discuss the issues
concerning the SCI Charter with the Council during the working session in


Please send any comments by Friday, 05 July.


Best regards,




Julie Hedlund, Policy Director


----------------------------- Draft Message to Jonathan


Dear Jonathan,


As you know, the Standing Committee on Improvements Implementation (SCI)
will provide an update on its work to the GNSO Council in Durban on 13 July.
One of issues the SCI is considering is an update of its Charter, as we have
reported previously.  This began as an effort to update the Charter to
include procedures to elect the SCI Chair and Vice Chair, but recently the
SCI also has considered whether other updates are necessary.  After
discussing possible updates the SCI members realized that they need guidance
from the GNSO Council as to whether the SCI's work should be limited to a
review of the procedures developed in the GNSO Implementations process, or
whether the GNSO Council intends for the SCI to address other procedural
issues not related to the improvements process.  One such example might be
the re-submission of a motion, which is an issue the Council asked the SCI
to address and for which the SCI currently is considering revised


The current Charter states:

"The GNSO Standing Committee on Improvement Implementation (SCI) will be
responsible for reviewing and assessing the effective functioning of
recommendations provided by the Operational Steering Committee (OSC), Policy
Process Steering Committee (PPSC) and Policy Development Process Work Team
(PDP-WT) and approved by the GNSO Council:
* On request for those recommendations that have been identified to present
immediate problems
* On a periodic timescale for all recommendations in order to identify
possible issues and/or improvements (subject to a clear definition by the
SCI on which recommendations should be reviewed)"

The SCI seeks guidance from the Council on what is its intent with respect
to the duration of the SCI work.  Should the SCI cease to exist when it has
completed the second bullet above from the Charter?  Or should the SCI
continue indefinitely to consider procedural questions as raised the the
GNSO Council or a group Chartered by the Council?


It seems that these fundamental questions need to be addressed before the
SCI can consider revisions to the Charter.  The SCI members look forward to
discussing these questions with the Council in Durban.


Best regards,




Ron Andruff, Chair, SCI

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