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[gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Recommended Amendments to WG Guidelines and Summary

  • To: <gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Recommended Amendments to WG Guidelines and Summary
  • From: "Ken Bour" <ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 16:29:53 -0400

SCI Team Members:


I understand that most of you have not had the time or opportunity to review 
the online WG Self-Assessment DRAFT that I forwarded just prior to the Durban 
meeting. For your convenience, that link, again, is: 
http://scitestwg.questionpro.com. Feel free to complete the questionnaire and 
provide any feedback via the embedded comment sections or this email list. As 
of today, two committee members have tested the instrument (Angie & Mikey) and 
I thank them for their reviews. 


In the meantime, while we continue evaluating the proposed design and online 
questionnaire presentation, I took the liberty of recommending specific 
modifications to the WG Guidelines 
document (and its Summary 
version) consistent with having a formal self-assessment questionnaire 
available for Chartering Organizations to utilize. 


For brevity’s sake, I only included the sections of those documents which, in 
my judgment, would need to be modified. My suggested changes are presented 
below in maroon text. 


Procedurally, given the way online survey forms work, I think it would be best 
to copy the master questionnaire and create a new link (URL) for each WG. For 
example, if the GNSO Council wishes to request self-assessment feedback from 
the IRTP Part D WG, we might create a link such as 
http://irtp-part-d.questionpro.com (sample only). The downside is that the 
QuestionPro link would change for each WG; however, the upside is that (a) 
there should be no confusion or misdirection about which questionnaire is 
applicable to which WG, (b) it would be straightforward to store and 
subsequently archive the results under that specific identification, and (c) 
the link could be made active/inactive based upon when that WG’s members are 
invited to complete the form. 


What I propose is that, when a WG Charter is written, the CO could merely 
specify that it wants participants to complete a formal Self-Assessment. During 
the WG’s actual closure process, the Chair (via Staff reminder) would provide 
the exact questionnaire link to WG members along with the timeframe (open and 
close dates). A Staff Administrator, such as myself, would have the names of WG 
members and could monitor QuestionPro to see who has and has not completed the 
questionnaire. Reminders could then be sent out periodically to those who had 
not yet registered their feedback. At the conclusion of the survey period, the 
Staff Administrator would compile the results and produce a report for the CO 
and, upon approval, publish it on the Wiki and/or other locations as deemed 


I welcome your feedback.


Ken Bour


Working Group Guidelines (ANNEX 1 
<http://gnso.icann.org/council/annex-1-gnso-wg-guidelines-08apr11-en.pdf>  - 
GNSO Operating Procedures) Items for Review 

At the first meeting of the WG or as soon thereafter as practicable, the 
following documents should be reviewed in order to ensure all members have a 
common understanding of the WG’s mission, goals, objectives, deliverables, 
decision-making process and timeframes: Charter, Working Group Guidelines and 
any other documents relevant for the WGs discussion (e.g., Policy Development 
Process Guidebook, Issues Paper). These documents are normally transmitted to 
the WG prior to the first meeting. It is required that WGs develop a work plan 
that outlines the necessary steps and expected timing in order to achieve the 
milestones set out in the WG Charter. If a WG does not develop a work plan, it 
will need to provide a justification to the Chartering Organization. 


If the Chartering Organization has specified that it would like the WG to 
complete a formal Self-Assessment, it may be helpful to participants to review 
the questionnaire (see Section 7.0) in advance so that, as plans unfold and 
deliberations proceed, members have an understanding of the information that 
will be asked at the conclusion of the team’s work. 


The WG Chair may use the following checklist for assistance: (see Addendum) for 
further details.


Addendum: Chair Checklist [Note: given its small size, I suggest eliminating 
the separate Addendum and inserting the table here in Section]



Have all WG members submitted Statements of Interest? 


Introduction of WG members 


Inform members that WG will operate under the principles of transparency and 
openness (i.e., mailing lists are publicly archived, meetings are recorded / 


Review of WG’s mission, goals, objectives, deliverables, decision-making 
process, timeframes and any other documents relevant for the WG‟s discussion 


Review WG Self-Assessment Questionnaire (see Section 7.0)


Development of a work plan 


Schedule for future meetings of the WG 



Section 5.0: Products and Outputs

The products and outputs of a Working Group may be prescribed by the Charter 
such as a report, recommendations, guidelines, self-assessment or defined by 
the process under which the WG operates (e.g., Policy Development Process). In 
addition, the Working Group might decide that additional products or outputs 
are required in order to carry out its Charter in an efficient and productive 
manner such as a statement of work or a project plan. Working Groups should be 
encouraged to review products and outputs from other WGs and/or consult with 
ICANN Staff to decide what additional products or outputs would be advisable to 
develop. Links to some examples of products and outputs produced by other GNSO 
Working Groups can be found hereunder:

·         [Skipping other bullets for brevity]

·         WG Self-Assessment (see Section 7.0) Closure and Working Group Self-Assessment 

This section of the Charter should describe any instructions for WG final 
closure including any feedback and/or self-assessment that is requested by the 
Chartering Organization. This section might also indicate if there is any 
specific format, template, or prescribed manner in which the feedback is to be 
provided; for example, a recommended questionnaire (illustrative) is included 
in Section 7.0 and can be made available online for WG members to complete at 
the appropriate time. 


[NEW] Section 7.0: Working Group Self-Assessment


A WG Self-Assessment instrument has been developed as a means for Chartering 
Organizations to formally request feedback from a WG as part of its closure 
process. WG members are asked a series of questions about the team’s inputs, 
processes (e.g., norms, decision-making, logistics), and outputs as well as 
other relevant dimensions and participant experiences. Screenshots of the 
questionnaire have been assembled into a PDF (see link below) so that WG 
participants can review, in advance, how it is designed and what specific 
information will be solicited. 


During the WG’s closure process, coordinating with the Chair, Staff will 
provide a unique link (URL) to the online questionnaire along with open and 
close dates and any specific instructions. Staff will then perform the 
following actions: 

·         Monitor the online process providing status updates to the WG Chair;

·         Provide technical assistance to WG members if requested;

·         Notify the Chair when all team members have completed the 
questionnaire; and, following the close date,

·         Summarize the feedback in a written report to the Chartering 


Link to WG Self-Assessment (illustrative PDF): [Note: the PDF link (TBD) would 
be maintained on the GNSO website <http://gnso.icann.org/en/council/procedures> 
 together with ANNEX 1. For now, I have attached an example of the PDF based on 
the current draft questionnaire]. 



Working Group Guidelines Summary


2. First meeting of the Working Group 

The first meeting of the Working Group should address the following issues: 

·         Introductions - members of the Working Group should be provided with 
the opportunity, at the start of the first meeting, to share information 
regarding interests, background, skills, experience, especially as related to 
any requirements in the Charter. 

·         Members of the Working Group should be informed that all Working 
Groups are normally expected to operate under the principles of transparency 
and openness, which means, inter alia, that mailing lists are publicly 
archived, meetings are normally recorded and/or transcribed, and Statements of 
Interest (SOIs) are required from Working Group participants which will be 
publicly posted. 

·         Election of the WG Leaders – Normally a Chair will be selected at the 
first meeting of the WG. A working Group may elect to have co-chairs, 
vice-chairs. Once selected, a working Group Chair will need to be confirmed by 
the Chartering Organization (CO). 

·         Items for review - At the first meeting of the WG or as soon 
thereafter as practicable, the following documents should be reviewed in order 
to ensure all members have a common understanding of the WG’s mission, goals, 
objectives, deliverables, decision-making process and timeframes: Charter, 
Working Group Guidelines and any other documents relevant for the WGs 
discussion (e.g., Policy Development Process Guidebook, Issues Paper). It is 
required that WGs develop a work plan that outlines the necessary steps and 
expected timing in order to achieve the milestones set out in the WG Charter. 
If the Chartering Organization has specified that it would like the WG to 
complete a formal Self-Assessment, it may be helpful to participants to review 
the questionnaire (see Section 7.0) in advance so that, as plans unfold and 
deliberations proceed, members have an understanding of the information that 
will be asked at the conclusion of the team’s work. 


Attachment: WG Self-Assessment Questionnaire (Illustrative).pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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