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RE: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Draft WG Self-Assessment Questionnaire Now Online

  • To: "'Ken Bour'" <ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Draft WG Self-Assessment Questionnaire Now Online
  • From: "Ron Andruff" <randruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 15:56:10 -0400

Thank you for your constant improvements to the Questionnaire, Ken.  I just
took a test drive (but did not record my answers) and was impressed with its
clarity and short time to complete.


I urge Committee members to try it out prior to our next meeting on August


Kind regards,




Ron Andruff

RNA Partners

 <http://www.rnapartners.com> www.rnapartners.com 


From: owner-gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ken Bour
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 16:05
To: gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Draft WG Self-Assessment Questionnaire Now


SCI Team Members:


As I indicated in my last email message to the SCI list, I have completed
programming the Draft v3 WG Self-Assessment questionnaire within QuestionPro
<http://www.questionpro.com/>  (QP) for which ICANN maintains an active
membership account. 


I created an illustrative Working Group called "SCI Test," which can be
accessed at: http://scitestwg.questionpro.com. Unless we elect to make any
subsequent changes, this is exactly how the online questionnaire would
appear to a prospective WG member providing a self-assessment. 


I understand that many, if not most of you, are shortly en route to Durban,
South Africa for the ICANN meeting; however, if you have an opportunity to
take a test drive between now and our next SCI teleconference (6 Aug),
please feel free to do so. If you would like to invite any other Durban
attendees to test the online questionnaire, such additional feedback would
also be welcome. Please be assured that any data entered is considered
"test" only and will be discarded once we complete this final design phase. 


If you have any suggestions or comments about the instrument, language,
methodology, online presentation, etc., you can use the questionnaire's
free-form text fields to document them or, if you prefer, send them to the
SCI email list. I will browse through each response submitted and collect
all feedback until we deactivate this informal test. Please note that you
will need to click the "Record My Answers!" button on the last page in order
to commit a complete questionnaire to the QP database. 


Once we are satisfied with the final product, perhaps we can find a recently
disbanded Working Group that will agree to be our first customer as a way of
putting the entire process, including analysis, through an exhaustive test. 




Ken Bour


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