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[gnso-improvem-impl-sc] FOR REVIEW: Draft Email to Jonathan Robinson

  • To: "gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] FOR REVIEW: Draft Email to Jonathan Robinson
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 12:45:12 -0700

Dear SCI members,

As mentioned on our call yesterday, staff has drafted for your review a
message to go from Ron as SCI Chair to Jonathan Robinson, GNSO Council
Chair, to seek further guidance on the next steps for the SCI Charter.

Please respond by **COB Wednesday, 14 August** with any comments on the
draft message.   No comments will be understood as agreement with the
emailĀ¹s contents.

Best regards,


Julie Hedlund, Policy Director

------------------ Begin Draft Message
Subject: GNSO Council Durban Wrap-Up Session and SCI Charter


Dear Jonathan,


I understand that the GNSO Council discussed the SCI Charter revisions at
its Wrap-Up Session in Durban on Thursday 18 July.  At its meeting
yesterday, the SCI members discussed the outcomes from that session and
decided that it would be helpful to seek additional guidance from the
Council with respect to the next steps for the SCI Charter.  In particular,
based on the discussion in Durban, it seems clear that the GNSO Council
would like the SCI to continue as a 'standing committee' and would like the
Charter to reflect that role.


Also at the Wrap-Up Session the GNSO Council discussed the SCI process for
decision-making (full consensus versus Standard Methodology for Making
Decisions).  The SCI understands that the Council agreed to consider this
issue further on its mailing list and Council members were encouraged to
share their views in support of one or the other option. Jeff Neuman also
offered to provide background information as to why the SCI was initially
required to operate under full consensus.


At yesterday's meeting SCI members expressed an interest in further revising
the Charter to ensure that the role of 'standing committee' is clear, to
update it to include procedures for the election of SCI Chair and
Vice-Chair, and to revise the decision-making process based on feedback
received from the Council.  However, if the Council, as the Chartering
organization, would prefer to take on the task of revising the charter, it
would be helpful if it could inform the SCI accordingly.  In either case it
seems clear that it will be helpful to have a revised Charter available as
soon as possible for the GNSO Council to consider for approval at its
meeting in September.  The SCI stands ready to assist in this task in
whatever way the Council deems appropriate.


We await your guidance.


Best regards,




Ron Andruff, Chair, SCI

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