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[gnso-improvem-impl-sc] SCI role

  • To: <gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] SCI role
  • From: "WUKnoben" <wolf-ulrich.knoben@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 10:35:39 +0200


the GNSO council at its next meeting on Sep 05 shall discuss the SCI role as 
intended from the Durban meeting. The “historical” information to be provided 
by Jeff Newman is still pending but seems to be important for the understanding 
of where the SCI comes from.
If the SCI wants to submit some input to this discussion the SCI meeting on Sep 
04 seems to be too close to the council meeting in order to prepare some 
statement. In this case we should start immediately on the list.

To my understanding the only item still open is about the working method – WG 
model or full consensus. In my view a statement outlining the pros and cons 
would be helpful.
The role itself – the SCI as an ongoing working institution – was not objected 
by the council.

Best regards


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