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RE: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] RE: Revised Letter to GNSO Council Chair

  • To: AAikman@xxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] RE: Revised Letter to GNSO Council Chair
  • From: Ron Andruff <randruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 18:40:08 +0200

Dear Anne,

No work will go to waste. 

For the benenfit of those new to the SCI,  to kick off the Charter revision a 
small sub-group was formed to bring some revisions to the larger group.  Then 
there came the question from another member who had recently joined, if we 
should be 'sunsetting' the SCI, or if it was indeed an open-ended standing 
committee. That series of events has brought us to here, where the GNSO Council 
now has to make the determination as to which body should do the Charter 
revision work.  

As Vice Chair of the Council,  Wolf-Ulrich has signaled that this is work that 
Council would rather not take on BUT that is their decision as the chartering 

In a few days we will know more.

I hope that this helps put this discussion into context for all.

Kind regards,


Ron Andruff

-------- Original message --------
From: "Aikman-Scalese, Anne" <AAikman@xxxxxxxxxx> 
Date: 09/04/2013  00:27  (GMT+01:00) 
To: 'Ron Andruff' <randruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
Cc: 'WUKnoben' <wolf-ulrich.knoben@xxxxxxxxxxx>,gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx 
Subject: RE: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] RE: Revised Letter to GNSO Council Chair 
Thanks Ron.  I had no idea there was an issue in play as to whether or not we 
submit a new draft Charter  to the GNSO.  This seems like a change in approach 
since we had in fact commissioned the smaller sub-team to revise the Charter 
some months ago.  Now I  think you are saying we need to ask the GNSO whether 
they want to do the work themselves.  I don’t have a strong opinion on this 
except to say that work was done by the sub-group and that work goes to waste 
if not shared.  Anne
From: Ron Andruff [mailto:randruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2013 12:51 AM
To: Aikman-Scalese, Anne
Cc: 'WUKnoben'; gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] RE: Revised Letter to GNSO Council Chair
I understand your concern, but it is clear that the Council supports our desire 
to have a new Charter, and Wolf-Ulrich (as V Chair of Council) notes that they 
do not wish to take on the work, but the GNSO Council is our chartering 
organization so I feel that it is their choice as to how we proceed.  I expect 
that we will know that direction following their meeting this week.  In any 
case, should the Council choose to do this work on their side, we have enough 
work to do in the meantime.
Kind regards,
Ron Andruff
RNA Partners
From: owner-gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:owner-gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Aikman-Scalese, Anne
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 14:19
To: 'Ron Andruff'; 'Nuno Garcia'
Cc: 'WUKnoben'; 'Jen Wolfe'; gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] RE: Revised Letter to GNSO Council Chair
Ron, the letter seems good except that it appears to me SCI can work on the 
Charter revisions, which are almost done as I understand it, without waiting 
for the GNSO to determine where it stands on the full consensus issue.  The 
last paragraph seems to imply that SCI will wait to do this work until after 
GNSO advises the appropriate level of consensus for SCI.  I personally do not 
see why we would wait on this. We can leave this section open in the revised 
Charter.  I would expect discussion beyond the upcoming Council meeting on the 
consensus issue and I am loathe to stop our Charter revision work when it is 
clear that GNSO wants SCI to continue and there is no dispute on this point.
Thank you,

Anne E. Aikman-Scalese
Of Counsel
Lewis and Roca LLP • Suite 700
One South Church Avenue • Tucson, Arizona 85701-1611
Map to Parking Garage
Tel (520) 629-4428 • Fax (520) 879-4725
AAikman@xxxxxxxxx • www.LewisandRoca.com/Aikman
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From: Ron Andruff [mailto:randruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 11:02 AM
To: 'Nuno Garcia'; Aikman-Scalese, Anne
Cc: 'WUKnoben'; 'Jen Wolfe'; gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Revised Letter to GNSO Council Chair
Dear all,
Welcome Nuno, and thank you for your comments on this thread. 
I, too, feel that providing more background to the Council would serve both 
them and the SCI, and have thus drafted a revised letter to Jonathan, which I 
have attached and pasted below for your review.  I have taken into account both 
Anne and Jennifer’s comments and hopefully captured that which they, and 
Wolf-Ulrich, are looking for.  Recognizing time is short, I welcome your 
soonest comments/amendments.
Thank you in advance for your soonest response.
Kind regards,
Subject: SCI Charter Revision
Dear Jonathan,
I understand that the GNSO Council will be discussing the SCI Charter revisions 
on its next call scheduled for September 5th, 2013.  At its meeting on August 
6th, 2013, the SCI members discussed the outcomes from the GNSO Sessions in 
Durban on this matter and decided that it would be helpful to more formally 
seek guidance from the Council with respect to the next steps

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