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[gnso-improvem-impl-sc] 08 October Meeting Actions Status

  • To: Ron Andruff <randruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] 08 October Meeting Actions Status
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2013 08:27:56 -0700

Dear Ron and SCI members,

Below is the status of action items from the meeting on 09 September.  I may
be a little late joining the meeting tomorrow if an appointment runs late.
However, the GNSO Secretariat will be available to start the meeting and run
the roll call, and my colleague from ICANN Staff, Lars Hoffmann, also will
be on the call.  Nonetheless, please see the status report below and I have
also posted this into the wiki at:
https://community.icann.org/display/gnsosci/08+October+2013 and entered it
into the Adobe Connect room.

In addition, I would like to suggest an item for discussion on the agenda.
In particular, perhaps the SCI could consider whether to set deadlines to
complete its various work products and to assist in completing items perhaps
an SCI member could volunteer to lead the work on each item along with a
sub-team of a couple of interested members.  This was the approach adopted
in the past, most notably with SCI charter changes.  In addition, staff
could assist by providing background material and updating the status of
each work product.  In addition, the SCI may consider whether it would be
helpful to revert to a bi-weekly schedule.

Best regards,


Julie Hedlund, Policy Director
Actions from 09 September Meeting:

1.  Resubmitting a motion: Anne Aikman-Scalese volunteered to consider
suggesting language.  Anne provided the update that the draft changes were
submitted to IPC Leadership yesterday for review no later than Monday,
October 7.  She noted that although she cannot attend the call on 08 October
Greg Shatan will be carrying the ball  as alternate for that meeting.  Greg
was copied on the draft changes and will be getting feedback from IPC
Leadership prior to the October 8 call.

2  SCI Charter:  Consider the changes to the charter and submit a final
version to the GNSO Council; the GNSO Council is considering whether to
change the decision-making methodology.

3.  Working Group Self Assessment: Mickey sent an invite to the WG.  He
provided an update that the WG currently does not have time to focus on
providing comments at this time, but could do so after it completes its
current work.

4.  Voting my email and possible inclusion of a waiver/exception:  Staff
will develop a list of how many votes are taken throughout the year and when
votes have been held outside of a regularly scheduled GNSO Council meeting.

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