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[gnso-improvem-impl-sc] MP3 recording of the SCI meeting - 17 December 2013

  • To: "gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] MP3 recording of the SCI meeting - 17 December 2013
  • From: Glen de Saint Géry <Glen@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 14:26:54 -0800

Dear All,
The next Standing Committee on Improvements Implementation meeting will be held 
on Tuesday, 14 January 2014 at 2000 UTC for one hour.

Please find the MP3 recording of the Standing Committee on Improvements 
Implementation meeting held on Tuesday, 17 December  2013 at 20:00UTC.

On page:
(transcripts and recording are found on the calendar page)


Ronald Andruff - Commercial and Business Users Constituency - Primary - Chair
Angie Graves - Commercial and Business Users Constituency - Alternate
Ken Bour -  guest speaker
Jennifer Wolfe - NCA primary
Amr Elsadr - NCUC Alternate
Greg Shatan - IPC - Alternate
Cintra  Sooknanan - NPOC Alternate
Marie-Laure Lemineur - NPOC Primary
Wolf-Ulrich Knoben - ISPCP
Thomas Rickert - NCA Alternate

Avri Doria - Non Commercial SG - Primary - Vice-Chair

ICANN Staff:
Julie Hedlund
Mary Wong
Glen de Saint Géry

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Kind regards,


Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat

Adobe Chat Transcript

  Julie Hedlund:Hello Cintra and welcome!  The call will start at 2000 UTC, 
1200 PST, 1500 EST

  Glen de Saint Gery:hello Cintra and Julie!

  Glen de Saint Gery:Cintra please join the bridge or we could call out to you 
if you send me your number

  Cintra Sooknanan:Hi Glen, I emailled my number to Nathalie

  Glen de Saint Gery:please email it to me as well 

  Cintra Sooknanan:Ok I sent it in private message to you but will email

  Cintra Sooknanan:thanks Glen

  Marie-laure Lemineur:hello Glen, Cintra and  Julie

  Marie-laure Lemineur:and everyone else :)

  Glen de Saint Gery:hello Marie Laure, please join the bridge

  Ron A:Hi all.  Apologies.  Just dialing in now.

  Marie-laure Lemineur:There is no sound in the AC?

  Cintra Sooknanan:Happy Birthday Glen!

  Julie Hedlund:Marie-Laure there is no sound on the AC, please join the 
teleconference bridge

  Marie-laure Lemineur:I need a dial in then- Will email glen...tx

  Julie Hedlund:I will let her know too

  Thomas Rickert:Hey - Happy Birthday, Glen!

  Marie-laure Lemineur:@julie....I already emailed her and gnso sec providing 
my number

  Julie Hedlund:Thank you very much Marie-Laure!

  Marie-laure Lemineur:tx

  Cintra Sooknanan:No change in SOI for me

  Wolf Knoben:A big champaign to your health, Glen!

  Marie-laure Lemineur:just joined the phone bridge

  Marie-laure Lemineur:we are back

  Marie-laure Lemineur:in the AC room

  Amr Elsadr:Apologies for being so late. Dialling in now.

  Amr Elsadr:On the call now.

  Cintra Sooknanan:Thanks for that clarification Mary

  Mary Wong:@Cintra, no worries. Sorry to have to do it.

  Marie-laure Lemineur:I would like to support Cintra`s offer if there is room 
for a waiver

  Marie-laure Lemineur:now there is sound on the AC!

  Cintra Sooknanan:Hi Greg are you on the adobe audio?

  Mary Wong:The next GNSO Council meeting is scheduled for 23 January 2014, if 
that helps.

  Greg Shatan:I just turned the adobe audio on.  I will need to dial in to 

  Cintra Sooknanan:yes

  Mary Wong:Congratulations to Ron on his continuing to chair this committee 
for 2014.

  Ron A:my line just dropped - dialing back in now.

  Ron A:I'm back.

  Ron A:Thanks, Mary, and all, for your support!

  Marie-laure Lemineur:Sorry I must say I forgot about it. I will do it tomorrow

  Greg Shatan:I am now dialed in.

  Amr Elsadr:I'm volunteering to nag a little if folks wouldn't mind waiting. :)

  Julie Hedlund:@Ron yes the report was submitted to the entire SCI.

  Amr Elsadr:That's fine. But we did only get two responses to the feedback 
about the self-assessment.

  Julie Hedlund:In Buenos Aires the GNSO Council specifically asked the SCI to 
consider packaging/grouping changes to the GNSO Council Operating Procedures.

  Amr Elsadr:That sounds great.

  Jennifer Wolfe 2:I have to leave adobe connect, but will be on my mobile.

  Amr Elsadr:Thanks for the changes made to this Greg.

  Julie Hedlund:@Greg -- I've put the redlined version of that document in the 
Adobe Connect window.

  Amr Elsadr:Avri sent to the NCSG list, and there was no response. That would 
pass as an agreed.

  Mary Wong:are all constituencies represented on this call?

  Thomas Rickert:Ron, did you mention me? I am an NCA, no Registrar rep.

  Marie-laure Lemineur:I ahave one question. Sorry but I am new here. Are we 
representative pd our constituency and as such our approval is enough. do we 
have to consult our members each time?

  Marie-laure Lemineur:thank you

  Marie-laure Lemineur:@mary thanks a lot. I will discuss this with our members

  Marie-laure Lemineur:my phone dropp off but I can use the AC room

  Marie-laure Lemineur:i was me

  Marie-laure Lemineur:and Mickey

  Amr Elsadr:ML & Mikey.

  Ron A:sorry I dropped again!

  Marie-laure Lemineur:yes

  Julie Hedlund:@Ron I've announced that you got dropped and I've asked 
everyone to wait until you are back on.

  Marie-laure Lemineur:my call dropped too . I can hear you on the AC but can 
not speak. Can you call me back please?

  Amr Elsadr:@ML: You can use the audio on the AC room, but need to activate it.

  Ron A:I am having trouble getting back on... The number is not working.  May 
be a local outage problem.  May  I deputize Wolf Ulrich to establish our next 
call date?

  Marie-laure Lemineur:sorry but it does not let me activate it for some reason 

  Glen de Saint Gery:yes Ron has been dropped again

  Marie-laure Lemineur:I am back on the phone bridge

  Amr Elsadr:I'm fine with the 7th.

  Ron A:I can hear the abobe, but cannot connect my ability to speak.  So 
please continue Julie/Wolf.

  Marie-laure Lemineur:I am am

  Marie-laure Lemineur:thank you

  Julie Hedlund:@Ron that is correct about the timing to get items on the 23 
January agenda.

  Amr Elsadr:Thanks Julie.

  Amr Elsadr:Yes..., it was used for the WG consensus topic.

  Julie Hedlund:@Amr we also used the format for the Waiver and Email voting 

  Julie Hedlund:However, it may be that more information is needed for context.

  Marie-laure Lemineur:thank you Ron and all. Happy anniversary Glen!!!!!

  Thomas Rickert:Thanks, Ron. Well done!

  Amr Elsadr:Ah..., thanks for that Julie.

  Julie Hedlund:Thank you everyone and have a wonderful holiday and a very 
happy new year!!

  Mary Wong:Thanks all and happy holidays!

  Marie-laure Lemineur:Bye

  Thomas Rickert:All the best to all of you! Great Holiday Season!

  Cintra Sooknanan:Same to you Ron, and Seasons Greetings to all of you!

  Cintra Sooknanan:Bye

  Wolf Knoben:Thanks Ron.Happy holidays to all

  Amr Elsadr:Happy B-Day Glen!!

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