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Re: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Updated drafts of Motion Deadline Waiver & E-Voting proposals for discussion in London

  • To: "gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Updated drafts of Motion Deadline Waiver & E-Voting proposals for discussion in London
  • From: Mary Wong <mary.wong@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 13:31:20 -0700

Dear all,

Please find attached a further updated version of the Waiver of the 10-day
Motion Deadline language incorporating Anne¹s suggestion - note that this
version therefore REPLACES the version I sent out earlier today dated 12
June 2014.

The proposal regarding Remote/Electronic Voting remains unchanged and thus
the latest version of that is the one dated 12 June.


-----Original Message-----
From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 at 7:50 PM
To: "gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Updated drafts of Motion Deadline
Waiver & E-Voting proposals for discussion in London

>Yes, I do support that wording in general.
>One nit has occured to me since the last time I thought about it, is its
>specificity on other possible rules that might apply.  For example, the
>council has not approved email voting yet (in fact I thought we were
>being tech agnostic in that one).  So I would recommend putting a period
>after "without limitation."
>But in general yes, I do support it.
>On 18-Jun-14 11:32, Ron Andruff wrote:
>> Dear Mary,
>> Thank you for the comprehensive report and documentation.
>> Can you confirm that Anne¹s latest editing offer (noted below) - which I
>> believe Avri supports - has been included?  This may have slipped by on
>> the list last weekŠ
>> "If rejected , such a motion shall be considered timely submitted for
>> the next Council meeting and will not be considered to be "resubmitted"
>> for purposes of the rules on resubmission of a motion.  Further, if
>> rejected, such a motion may also be dealt with in accordance with all
>> other applicable Operating Procedures and customary practices,
>> including, without limitation,  the rules for e-mail voting and deferral
>> of motions." 
>> Thank you,
>> RA
>> *Ron Andruff*
>> *ONR Consulting, Inc.*
>> *www.ICANNSherpa.com <http://www.ICANNSherpa.com>  *
>> *From:*owner-gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx
>> [mailto:owner-gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx] *On Behalf Of *Mary Wong
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 18, 2014 07:44
>> *To:* gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx
>> *Subject:* [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Updated drafts of Motion Deadline
>> Waiver & E-Voting proposals for discussion in London
>> Dear SCI members,
>> In light of the London meeting approaching rapidly and the SCI¹s meeting
>> scheduled for this Saturday 21 June (0730 a.m. London time), I am
>> sending you for your review the latest drafts of the proposed language
>> for Waiver of the 10-Day Motion rule and for Remote/Electronic Voting.
>> Essentially, the following changes were made to the version that was
>> discussed on the last SCI call:
>> 1. In relation to Waiver of the 10-day Motion Deadline, a majority of
>> the sub-group has made a new recommendation that it believes addresses
>> the concerns raised by the so-called ³Option A² and ³Option B² language
>> discussed in the last SCI call ­ the new recommendation basically
>> considers a failed late motion as not submitted and therefore requires
>> it be submitted again per the usual 10-day rule for the next meeting.
>> Please see the attached redline for the proposed change.
>> 2. In relation to E-Voting, the sub-group is recommending at least one
>> substantive addition to the proposed language, and requesting that a
>> further question be brought back to the GNSO Council by Avri as the
>> Council liaison for clarification:
>>   * On the addition ­ the sub-group proposes making it clear that
>>     E-Voting is to be permissible only in cases where a motion has
>>     already been properly submitted for a regular Council meeting but
>>     for various reasons cannot be voted on at that meeting (please see
>>     attached redline for the new language in Section 5.)
>>   * On the requested clarification ­ the sub-group notes that the
>>     Council¹s original request to the SCI mentioned the need for speedy
>>     Council action as there is at present no mechanism by which the
>>     Council could vote outside a regularly scheduled Council meeting.
>>     Although it had initially proceeded on the basis/assumption that the
>>     proposed new mechanism of E-Voting was _not_ intended to extend the
>>     time or provide an additional voting mechanism for those specific
>>     Council actions that, at present, are eligible for Absentee Voting
>>     (which takes place 72 hours after a regularly scheduled Council
>>     meeting and applies only to certain listed actions such as
>>     initiating a PDP), the sub-group believes it will be useful to
>>     obtain clarification one way or the other from the Council on this
>>     point.
>> For discussion purposes, I should note that Avri has indicated she does
>> not support the proposed change to the 10-day Motion Deadline Waiver
>> language, and the proposal will be further discussed by the full SCI at
>> its London meeting.
>> A question had also been raised regarding the origin of the four stated
>> grounds for Absentee Voting in the GNSO Operating Procedures. At the
>> sub-group¹s request staff has checked with our colleagues who supported
>> the original work team that developed the current version of the
>> Procedures. Their notes indicate that (1) those specific grounds were
>> expressly carried over from the old GNSO procedures and unchanged in the
>> current version; and (2) the reason for their inclusion is to encourage
>> full participation and attendance at GNSO Council meetings (i.e. It
>> should not be easy for a Councilor to not attend a meeting or
>> participate in discussions therein and yet be permitted to cast a
>> I hope this note and the attached documents are helpful.
>> Thanks and cheers
>> Mary
>> Mary Wong
>> Senior Policy Director
>> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN)
>> Telephone: +1 603 574 4892
>> Email: mary.wong@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:mary.wong@xxxxxxxxx>

Attachment: Waiver of 10 Day Motion Deadline - 18 June 2014.doc
Description: MS-Word document

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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