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RE: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] RESULTS: 2015 SCI Chair and Vice Chair Selection
- To: "'Thomas Rickert'" <rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Greg Shatan <gregshatanipc@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] RESULTS: 2015 SCI Chair and Vice Chair Selection
- From: "Aikman-Scalese, Anne" <AAikman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 16:26:54 +0000
Many thanks to all who expressed their good wishes to me and to Lori. I look
forward to continuing to work with all of you and thank you for your vote of
confidence. Unless others have a different thought, I believe we should focus
on a letter to GNSO Council outlining projects that were summarized by Ron in
the LA meeting that may be useful to them and submitting the letter as a
request for further direction regarding priorities for next year. I will get
with Julie to schedule a call in January.
Please reply to all with your comments regarding the bullet points/SCI
priorities that should be mentioned in the letter to Council. My goal will
be to draft a letter and present it for discussion by SCI in a January call.
It would be good if we could present the letter to Council in sufficient time
before Singapore to permit discussion by Council in that meeting.
Finally, simply put, Ron is a hard act to follow so please help me with any
advice you feel appropriate to maintain the fine working relationship that he
and Wolf-Ulrich have established between Council and SCI over the past several
Happy Holidays to those who are celebrating miracles at this time of year!
Thank you,
Anne E. Aikman-Scalese, Of Counsel
Lewis Roca Rothgerber LLP |
One South Church Avenue Suite 700 | Tucson, Arizona 85701-1611
(T) 520.629.4428 | (F) 520.879.4725
AAikman@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:AAikman@xxxxxxxxxx> |
From: owner-gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Thomas Rickert
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 3:20 AM
To: Greg Shatan
Cc: Wolf-Ulrich Knoben; Julie Hedlund; <gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] RESULTS: 2015 SCI Chair and Vice Chair
Congrats to Anne and Lori!
I also look forward to working with you.
Am 15.12.2014 um 21:30 schrieb Greg Shatan
Anne and Lori,
Congratulations to both of you. I look forward to continuing to work with you
and the rest of the SCI.
Gregory S. Shatan • Abelman Frayne & Schwab
666 Third Avenue • New York, NY 10017-5621
Direct 212-885-9253 | Main 212-949-9022
Fax 212-949-9190 | Cell 917-816-6428
ICANN-related: gregshatanipc@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:gregshatanipc@xxxxxxxxx>
On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 2:37 PM,
<Wolf-Ulrich.Knoben@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:Wolf-Ulrich.Knoben@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Congratulations to both Anne and Lori!
I'm looking forward to work with you.
And to Ron many thanks for his thoughtful guidance over the last years. I'm
sure to come crossing you in other challenging "capacities".
Sent from my personal phone
Am 15.12.2014 um 20:12 schrieb Julie Hedlund
Dear SCI members,
The deadline for the call for nominations for the 2015 SCI Chair and Vice Chair
ended COB Friday, 12 December. Here are the results of the call for
Chair: Amr Elsader nominated Anne Aikman-Scalese to be Chair of the SCI. Wolf
Ulrich-Knoben seconded the nomination. Anne has accepted the nomination and is
willing to serve as chair.
Vice Chair: Cintra Sooknanan indicated that she will not serve a second term as
Vice Chair. Lori Schulman nominated herself to serve as Vice Chair. Cintra
and Amr seconded the nomination. Since the SCI Charter requires that only a
primary member of the SCI (not an alternate) may serve as Chair or Vice Chair,
the NPOC has agreed that Lori will switch roles with Cintra and will serve as
the primary member and Cintra will serve as the alternate.
As there were no other nominations for Chair or Vice Chair prior to the
deadline, and as there is only one nomination for each position, there is no
need to proceed to an election. Thus, the 2015 SCI Chair and Vice Chair will
be Anne Aikman-Scalese and Lori Schulman.
Best regards,
Julie Hedlund, Policy Director
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