[gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Adopted SCI Review Requests from GNSO Council Meeting 16 April
Dear SCI members, As Avri Doria has previously reported, she submitted to the GNSO Council in March two SCI review requests (attached). These were discussed during the Council meeting on 19 March, but action on them was deferred to the GNSO Council meeting on 16 April. For reference, here is the link to the transcript from the 19 March meeting: http://gnso.icann.org/en/meetings/transcript-council-19mar15-en.pdf. The two requests were placed on the Consent Agenda for today's GNSO Council meeting as follows: (See the agenda at http://gnso.icann.org/en/meetings/agenda-council-16apr15-en.htm.) "Item 3: Consent agenda (5 mins): 3.1 Approval to refer two matters <http://gnso.icann.org/en/council/drafts> (first submitted to the Council on 5 March 2015) to the GNSO's Standing Committee for Improvements Implementation (SCI). The first <https://community.icann.org/display/gnsocouncilmeetings/Motions+16+April+20 15> concerning GNSO Council practices for proposing, seconding and amendment of motions and the second <https://community.icann.org/display/gnsocouncilmeetings/Motions+16+April+20 15> on clarifying the Operating Procedures regarding the waiver and resubmission of motions." As there were no requests to have these items removed from the consent agenda, the items proceeded to a vote and were adopted. See the resolutions at: http://gnso.icann.org/en/council/resolutions. If you wish to review the transcript of today's Council meeting it will be posted at: http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#apr. The MP3 is available at: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-council-16apr15-en.mp3. For reference concerning the Consent Agenda procedures, the relevant section from the GNSO Operating Procedures is included below. Best regards, Julie Julie Hedlund, Policy Director --------Excerpt from the GNSO Council Operating Procedures---------- 4.9 Consent Agenda When preparing the meeting agenda, the Council Chair in consultation with the Council Vice-Chairs determines whether an item belongs on the consent agenda. All items that are subject to a different voting threshold than a simple majority vote (see ICANN Bylaws, Article X, section 3-9) or are subject to absentee voting (see section 4.4 Absentee Voting) are not eligible for inclusion in the consent agenda. A numbered list of consent items is included as part of the meeting agenda. The list and supporting documents are included in the Council agenda in sufficient time to be read by all Council members prior to the meeting in accordance with section 3.3 Notice of Meetings of these Operating Procedures. At the beginning of the meeting, the Chair asks members what items they wish to have removed from the consent agenda and discussed individually. If any Council member requests that an item be removed from the consent agenda, it must be removed. Council members may request that an item be removed for any reason. They may wish, for example, to discuss the item, to query the item, or to register a vote against the item. If an item is removed from the consent agenda, it is added to the meeting agenda for that meeting, unless the Council Chair in consultation with the Council Vice-Chairs determines differently. When there are no more items to be removed, the Chair reads out the number of the remaining consent items. Then the Chair calls for a vote. When preparing the minutes, the full text of (or links to) the resolutions, reports or recommendations that were adopted as part of the consent agenda are included. In addition the minutes should include a statement regarding the composition/threshold that approved the consent agenda. Attachment:
SCI Review Request - Motions - 5 Mar 2015 v2.docx Attachment:
SCI Review Request - Overlap of Waiver and Resubmission - 5 Mar 2015.docx Attachment: