Post-deadline comment posted on behalf +of the At-Large Advisory Committee Reader
[Message forwarded by Rob Hoggarth to the gnso-improvements-report-2008@xxxxxxxxx comment forum. Original from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to John Jeffrey.] Dear Mr. Jeffrey, Please accept on behalf of the ALAC, our ‘slightly belated’ statement to the BGC on GNSO Improvements. This delay was as a result of allowing some additional time for further At-Large Community input into the final drafting of this document after the Joint Statement from the combined User Community was made public 12 days ago, and as a direct result of some concerns / confusion between NARALO and the ALAC per se, regarding the status of NA Regional input into the process of developing the ALAC contribution to the views expressed in the Joint Statement. Please be assured that this ALAC Statement (to be read in conjunction with the Joint Statement by the User Constituencies) does indeed constitute a majority report as a result of this process, full details of which are to be found on our working Wiki and associated community discussion lists. Kindest regards, Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC Chair 2007-2008. Attachment:
ALAC Statement on GNSO Improvements Revision 8 FINAL.pdf |