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RE: [gnso-irtp-b-jun09] Tomorrow's Call - Yes or No?
- To: "Michele Neylon :: Blacknight" <michele@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [gnso-irtp-b-jun09] Tomorrow's Call - Yes or No?
- From: "James M. Bladel" <jbladel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 11:53:26 -0700
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-------- Original Message --------<br>
Subject: [gnso-irtp-b-jun09] Tomorrow's Call - Yes or No?<br>
From: "Michele Neylon :: Blacknight" <<a
Date: Mon, September 27, 2010 1:41 pm<br>
To: "<<a
List" <<a
Over the last 24 hours we have received quite a large number of apologies from
regular attendees to the call.<br>
So the question is, should we go ahead with the call tomorrow, bearing in mind
that about a half dozen people can't make the call<br>
Let us know please <br>
Thanks <br>
Mr Michele Neylon<br>
Blacknight Solutions<br>
Hosting & Colocation, Brand Protection<br>
ICANN Accredited Registrar<br>
<a href="http://www.blacknight.com";>http://www.blacknight.com</a>/<br>
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