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[gnso-irtpc] RE: Mp3 / IRTP C PDP / 17 January 2012

  • To: "gnso-irtpc@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-irtpc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-irtpc] RE: Mp3 / IRTP C PDP / 17 January 2012
  • From: "Sedo :: Simonetta Batteiger" <simonetta@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 16:03:17 +0100

I'm sorry, I had a last minute work issue come up and I won't be able to join 
today's call - might be able to catch the last 15 minutes..

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-gnso-irtpc@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-irtpc@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf 
Of Nathalie Peregrine
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 8:35 AM
To: gnso-irtpc@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: gnso-secs@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gnso-irtpc] Mp3 / IRTP C PDP / 17 January 2012

Dear All,

My apologies for the delay.
The next IRTP C working group call will be held on Tuesday 24 January at 15:00 

Please find the MP3 recording of the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) C 
working group call held  on Tuesday, 17 January 2012 @ 1500 UTC on page:
on page:

The transcript will be posted on the same page.

The contents of the AC chat can be found at the bottom of this email.


James Bladel -co-chair
Avri Doria - co-chair
Mike O'Connor - CBUC
Barbara Knight - RySG
Simonetta Batteiger - Registrar SG
Jonathan Tenenbaum - RrSG
Rob Golding - RrSG
Bob Mountain - Registrar SG
Zahid Jamil - CBUC
Kevin Erdman - IPC
Erick Iriarte - NCUC
Alain Berranger - NPOC
Michele Neylon - RrSG
Angie Graves - CBUC
Rob Villeneuve - RrSG
Chris Chaplow - CBUC

ICANN Staff:
Marika Konings
Nathalie Peregrine

Philip Corwin - CBUC
Paul Diaz- RySG
Jacob Williams - Individual
Matt Serlin - RrSG

IRTP C Members:
Erick Iriarte Ahon
Alain Berranger
Simonetta Batteiger
James M. Bladel
Chris Chaplow
Phil  Corwin
Paul Diaz
Avri Doria
Hago Dafalla
Adam Eisner
Kevin Erdman
Rob Golding
Volker Greimann
Oliver Hope
Zahid Jamil
Bob Mountain
Michele Neylon
Mike O'Connor
Matt Serlin
Jonathan Tenenbaum
Barbara Steele
Rob Villeneuve
Jacob Williams
Zeeshan shoki

Archives: http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-irtpc/
Wiki Space: https://community.icann.org/display/gnsoirtppdpwg/Home

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list ** Mailing list 
archives http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-irtp-b-jun09/

Kind regards,
Nathalie Peregrine for

GNSO Secretariat

AC CHAT ROOM 17 January 2011:

Marika Konings:IRTP Part C WG Meeting - 17 January 2012
  Erick Iriarte:hi
  Mikey O'Connor:www.APrairieHaven.com
  Marika Konings:Hi Erick, I've sent your request for a dial-out to the operator
  Michele Neylon:stuck on a call
  Michele Neylon:will dial in shortly
  Simonetta Batteiger:hi
  Simonetta Batteiger:just joined...
  Erick Iriarte:thanks marika
  Erick Iriarte:i'm connect now :)
  Bladel:Here, but on mute.
  Mikey O'Connor:could people please mute?  there's headphone-breathing on the 
  Michele Neylon:dialed in now
  Bladel:I'm unable to speak. :)
  Michele Neylon:James is on the call
  Michele Neylon:why can't he speak?
  Michele Neylon:he lose his voice?
  Michele Neylon:is this like a pre-birthday thing ? :)
  Bladel:I'm in a very busy place.
  Bob Mountain:Sorry to be late
  Michele Neylon:Happy birthday James :)_
  Michele Neylon:even though it's not for another week .. 
  Rob Golding (OTHELLO):@mikey - are they before and after photos ;)
  Bladel:Not for a while.  I'm still young for a litle longer. 
  Simonetta Batteiger:I think it makes a lot of sense...
  Bladel:Agree with Marika that we combine the F2F and Outreach meetings.
  Bladel:Proposal: How about a F2F meeting, with a block of time (20 min?) for 
open Q&A.
  Erick Iriarte:less time for f2f meeting, more for open Q&A
  Erick Iriarte:30 for f2f (we have continues meeting here (all the weeks), 40 
minutes for open Q&A)
  Michele Neylon:restarting my browser
  Michele Neylon:brb
  Bob Mountain:Would it make sense to block out 90 min just in case QA goes 
long, knowing we'll probably not need that much time?
  Erick Iriarte:ummm... 20/20 ?
  Simonetta Batteiger:looks all black to me...
  Bladel:I would appreciate Marika's help. :)
  Barbara Knight - RySG:I meant to indicate that I agreed with Avri's suggested 
approach but I hit the wrong button.
  Simonetta Batteiger:seems like this is one area we should definitely request 
further input on!
  Rob Golding (OTHELLO):.org / pir stop it at the registry level
  Rob Golding (OTHELLO):locked for 60 days after an up-date
  Rob Golding (OTHELLO):2 reasons :)
  Zahid Jamil:agree - i would like to know more why they do this
  Rob Golding (OTHELLO):1. that they can lock the client into another year of 
renewal etc by getting updates doen in response to incorrect details or WDRP 
emails etc, knowing it means they cant then leave (which is the time most 
people really take notice of the WHOIS information)
  Rob Golding (OTHELLO):2. that their contract with their clients say that all 
transfers will be verified in writing with the named registrant, and have to go 
through a (not quick) process before allowing EPP codes to be issued without 
2nd or 3rd levels of verification, as regular hijack attempts are made by both 
staff and 3rd parties of some of our customers domains
  Rob Golding (OTHELLO):i think michele's talking about general "registrant" 
rather than simonetta who is referring more to "domain managers" and 
"resellers" - we've offered domains for _years_ and some of customers have been 
clients for over 15 years and they *still* think www. is part of the doamin 
name !
  Bladel:Just a note:  GD did not respond to these questions from the SG 
  Bladel:No. :)
  Simonetta Batteiger:maybe they would have some feedback on how these 
particular processes work in practice?
  Simonetta Batteiger:it's much harder to get feedback from the average 
  Bob Mountain:Ignore Michelle at your peril.....
  Barbara Knight - RySG:Very good point, Michele.  I am speaking only from the 
gTLD registry perspective.
  Zahid Jamil:that's a fair distinction and true for m many ccTlds
  Simonetta Batteiger:especially as the new gTLDs are allowed to be registrar 
and registry at the same time
  Michele Neylon:Barbara - of course
  Michele Neylon:Barbara - you're also a thin registry, so you couldn't do 
anything even if you wanted to
  Rob Golding (OTHELLO):are we not _only_ concerned with gTLD registries and 
ICANN accredited regsitrars though ?
  Rob Golding (OTHELLO):so changing from from OL-5182-A (an affilias type id) 
to IANA1471 wouldnt involve more than a DB change and validation update on teh 
login pages :)
  Michele Neylon:Rob - yes, but we can't exist in a vacuum
  Mikey O'Connor:great job Avri!!
  Bladel:Thank you Avri!
  Rob Golding (OTHELLO):thank you, and great job 

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