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[gnso-lockdomainname-dt] MP3 / Locking of a Domain Name Subject to UDRP Proceedings / 04 October 2012 at 14:00 UTC

  • To: Lock Domain Name <gnso-lockdomainname-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-lockdomainname-dt] MP3 / Locking of a Domain Name Subject to UDRP Proceedings / 04 October 2012 at 14:00 UTC
  • From: Gisella Gruber <Gisella.Gruber@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2012 11:27:24 -0700

Dear All,

Please find the MP3 recording & Chat Transcript of the UDRP Domain Name Lock 
Working Group teleconference held on Thursday 04 October 2012
at 1400 UTC at:

On page:

The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSOMaster 
Calendar page:

Alan Greenberg, ALAC (Vice-Chair)
Matt Schneller - IPC
Celia Lerman Friedman, CBUC
Lisa Garono, IPC
Kristine Dorrain, NAF
Jonathan D. Tenenbaum, RrSG
Michele Neylon, RrSG (Chair)
Luc Seufer, RrSG
Randy Ferguson – IPC
Volker Greimann – RrSG
Gabriela Szlak, CBUC

Faisal Shah, individual

Staff Support:
Marika Konings
Berry Cobb
Gisella Gruber

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Thank you.
Kind regards,


GNSO Secretariat

Adobe Connect Chat transcript:
   Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the UDRP Domain Name Lock WG Meeting of 04 
October 2012
  Matt Schneller:I'll be a few minutes late on the phone line - sorry!
  Kristine Dorrain:Good morning.  Apologies in advance; I'm under the weather 
and my voice is pretty rough.
  Gabriela Szlak:Hello everyone, I am trying to get into the phone line
  Volker Greimann:listening to samba rythms on the line
  Gabriela Szlak:hahaha me too :)
  Kristine Dorrain:It took a little while for me to get connected to audio too.
  Michele Neylon:Anyone else having issues with getting in to the voice bridge?
  Gisella Gruber-White:Matt Schneller is the only person not on the audio 
bridge yet
  Alan Greenberg:Perhaps more interesting to ask about DUIs
  Alan Greenberg:MIchele, treat your minions better!
  Luc Seufer:+1
  Gisella Gruber-White:Matt Schneller has joined the audio bridge
  Kristine Dorrain:I have a slight preference to help wiht the lock timing, but 
really can discuss any topic....
  Kristine Dorrain:Do we have any brand owners on the call?  I think they would 
be good for the first topic
  Kristine Dorrain:(Sorry for typing...I will cough if I try to talk)
  Matt Schneller:I'd be happy to take any positions, but I'd be limited to 
calling in.  Would that work?
  Kristine Dorrain:I know IPC members who would want to defend Topic A, Prop A. 
  Celia Lerman:I'd be happy to take any positions as needed
  Luc Seufer:AS far as we are concerned we inform the registrant and ask them 
to lift the proxy/privacy service within th next 48h hours. If they fail, we 
just lock the domain.
  Kristine Dorrain:and Luc, when you give the registrant 48 heads up before 
locking, do you see cyberflight/deletion?
  Luc Seufer:no because we apply "semi-lock" measures i.e. a registrar transfer 
is not possible
  Kristine Dorrain:Oh, nice.  I vote we include that in the best practices doc. 
  Gabriela Szlak:+1 (to Kristine comment)
  Matt Schneller:What Luc says seems to be pretty typical in the way the UDRP 
panel decisions seem to play out, too.  Privacy/proxy is a messy area; I agree 
that it's worth starring that in the notes for future consideration
  Matt Schneller:(that = Luc's solution)
  Luc Seufer:As a reminder we don't provide proxy/privacy services
  Volker Greimann:so in short they want to abolish Proxy services
  Luc Seufer:that or encourage proxy service providers who don't care about 
  Alan Greenberg:If P/P services must take responsibility for all actions of 
real registrant, certainly would raise price of P/P services!
  Michele Neylon:Alan +1
  Luc Seufer:Not mentioning what it would means for "bulk" UDRP complaints.
  Luc Seufer: In the event that a domain which is the subject of a UDRP 
dispute is deleted or expires during the course of the dispute, the complainant 
in the UDRP dispute will have the option to renew or restore the name under the 
same commercial terms as the registrant. If the complainant renews or restores 
the name, the name will be placed in Registrar HOLD and Registrar LOCK status, 
the WHOIS contact information for the registrant will be removed, and the WHOIS 
entry will indicate that the name is subject to dispu
  Berry Cobb:Mid 50's starting late next week.
  Kristine Dorrain:The weather in the US/Canada is not so consistent as that in 
Ireland, I think.  :)
  Luc Seufer:ROFL
  Michele Neylon:here it just rains all the time :)
  Matt Schneller:adios!

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