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[gnso-lockpdp-wg] Updated mind-map & action items

  • To: "Gnso-lockpdp-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <Gnso-lockpdp-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-lockpdp-wg] Updated mind-map & action items
  • From: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 00:33:01 -0700

Dear All,

Following yesterday's Locking of a Domain Name Subject to UDRP Proceedings WG 
meeting, please find attached the updated mind map capturing the notes from the 
meeting. For those that were not on the call, the mind map is intended to serve 
as a tool to outline the WG's approach with regard to the different charter 
questions and requirements and will hopefully assist the WG in structuring and 
planning its activities. The next call of the WG is scheduled for Thursday 3 
May at 14.00 UTC. Please take note of the following action items:

 *   Review the mind map and identify any other issues the WG should consider 
as part of its approach.
 *   Identify specific questions that should be put forward to the Registrar & 
Registry Stakeholder Group in the WG's request for input
 *   Identify specific questions that should be included in the public comment 
 *   Think about which mechanisms should be explored to obtain input from third 
party experts such as UDRP Providers (e.g. survey, workshop in Prague?)

Please feel free to share your suggestions and/or comments with the mailing 

With best regards,


Sr. Policy Director

Attachment: Locking WG Approach - Updated 25 April 2012.pdf
Description: Locking WG Approach - Updated 25 April 2012.pdf

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