[gnso-lockpdp-wg] UDRP Domain Name Lock F2F WG Meeting
Dear All, Thank you very much for participating in the UDRP Domain Name Lock Face-to-Face WG meeting in Prague. For those of you that were not able to participate, I would strongly recommend that you review the slides (see attached), recording (http://icann.adobeconnect.com/p7lox8ew0ff/) and/or transcript of the meeting (http://prague44.icann.org/node/31807) as the discussions as well as the case study presentation provided by David Roache-Turner provided some valuable insights and food for thought. As we did not have time during the meeting for the registrar case study by Luc Seufer, we hope to cover that at the next meeting of the WG on 12 July. With best regards, Marika Attachment:
WhoIs Lock No Transition.pdf