[gnso-lockpdp-wg] Toronto meeting information + updated version of F2F format
Dear All, Following yesterday's meeting, please find attached an updated version of the proposed format for the UDRP Domain Name Lock F2F WG meeting in Toronto. As you'll note, there are still a number of propositions looking for volunteers. Please let me know which propositions you would like to defend during the session. For your information, the F2F meeting takes place on Thursday 18 October from 9.00 – 10.30 local time (13.00 – 14.30 UTC) in room Harbour AB (see http://toronto45.icann.org/node/34245). The meeting with the ccNSO is scheduled for Wednesday 17 October from 10.20 – 10.45 local time (14.20 – 14.45 UTC), see http://ccnso.icann.org/meetings/toronto/agenda.htm. The status update to the GNSO Council is scheduled for Sunday 14 October from 15.30 – 15.50 (see https://community.icann.org/x/0AkeAg). Michele and Alan will represent the WG during these meetings, but everyone is welcome to join and participate. Remote participation details for the F2F meeting will be circulated shortly. With best regards, Marika Attachment:
Format for F2F Meeting - Updated 5 October 2012.doc