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Re: [gnso-osc-csg] ACTION ITEMS: OSC-Constituency Operations Work Team 05 June Meeting

  • To: jahedlund@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-csg] ACTION ITEMS: OSC-Constituency Operations Work Team 05 June Meeting
  • From: Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 17:31:28 -0300

Thanks Julie!
Nice weekend to all.

2009/6/5 Julie Hedlund <jahedlund@xxxxxxxxxxx>

>  Dear Work Team Members,
> Thank you for today's meeting.  The meeting notes are posted at:
> https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?osc_constituency_operation_work_team_meeting_notes.
> In addition, here are the action items from the meeting, which also are
> posted on the Wiki at:
> https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?constituency_operations_team.
> Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
> *1. Project Plans:* Krista and Tony will provide dates for Task 1, Subtask
> 3 of the Work Plan.
> *2. Identification of Best & Bad Practices:* Subtask leaders and their
> team members should identify best practices as well as bad practices, as
> they relate to their subtasks, using as a starting point the preliminary
> analysis of constituency/stakeholder charters, but also information on
> constituency web pages, and directly from constituencies. *New Due Date:
> one week – by 12 June.*
> **
>  Please also note that the *next meeting will be held at the ICANN Meeting
> in Sydney, Australia on Sunday, 21 June 2009 at 1515-1645 (0515-0645 UTC,
> Saturday, 20 June at 2215 PDT, Sunday, 21 June at 0115 EDT, 0215 Buenos
> Aires, 0615 London, 0715 Brussels, 1100 Karachi, 1030 New Delhi, 1400
> Tokyo).*  For those who cannot attend the Sydney meeting, conference call
> dialing information will be provided.
> Best regards,
> Julie
> Julie Hedlund
> Policy Consultant

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