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Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Re: REMINDER / OSC GNSO Constituency Operations Work Team Conference

  • To: Gisella Gruber-White <Gisella.Gruber-White@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Re: REMINDER / OSC GNSO Constituency Operations Work Team Conference
  • From: Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 13:24:19 -0100

Dear Working team members,
Thanks for joining today in the call, I think it was very productive and
informative meeting.
I just summarized some ideas and action items shared during our
conversation, please feel free to add o or change any if needed.
Have a nice weekend, regards

*Ideas and action items, conference call Friday 10 July 13GMT *

Icann staff will summarize latest news exchanged during the conference call
and send it to wt mailing list
Icann staff will share with the group documents they prepare about
transparency, openess and representativeness
Working team should keep the original timetable for the work to be done
Working team should review public comment forums and other sources of
information in relation with the GNSO improvement process
Each subtask working team will continue with its activities described in
each workplan
Julie, Victoria and Olga will work on merging different versions and imputs
of the Constituency Analysis Document.

2009/7/10 Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> *Hi,
> please find below the revised agenda and the calling details sent by
> Gisella.
> Looking forward to talking to you soon.
> Regards
> Olga
> Proposed agenda*
> * *
> 1- Report about Board activities, if any. ICANN Staff.
> 2- Status of Task 1 Wokrplans: subtask leaders SS, Victoria, Krista, Chuck.
> Subtask 1:
> *Develop a recommended framework for participation in any ICANN
> constituency that is objective,standardized, and clearly stated. *
> Leader: SS
> Subtask 2:
> *Develop recommendations for clear operating principles for each
> constituency to ensure that all constituencies function in a representative,
> open, transparent and democratic manner*
> Leader: Victoria
> Comments about results and actions items of  Subtask 2 conference call held
> last Monday 6 July chaired by Victoria.
> Subtask 3:
> *Develop recommendations for creating and maintaining a database of all
> constituency members and others not formally a part of any constituency that
> is up-to-date and publicly accessible.
> Leader: Krista
> *Comments about meetings held in Sydney with constituency representatives.
> Subtask 4:
> *Develop a “toolkit” of in-kind staff support and/or services for all
> constituencies.*
> Leader:Chuck
> Feedback about tool kit elements letter.
> 3- Status of identification of Best & Bad Practices.
> New version of the Constituency Analysis Document revised by Krista.
> 4- Comments about private emails sent to subtask leaders and related
> issues. Olga and working team.
> 5- Next steps - AOB
> OSC CSG wiki link:
> https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?constituency_operations_team
> 2009/7/10 Gisella Gruber-White <Gisella.Gruber-White@xxxxxxxxx>
>> Dear All,
>> An OSC GNSO Constituency Operations Work Team teleconference is scheduled
>> for TODAY Friday, 10 July 2009, at 13:00 UTC.
>> 06:00 PDT, 09:00 EDT, 15:00 CEST, 16:00 Jerusalem, 18:30 New Delhi, 19:00
>> Karachi, 22:00 Tokyo
>> (for other places see:
>> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedform.html)
>> Please let me know if you have any questions.
>> Thank you.
>> Kind regards,
>> Gisella
>> ____________________________________________________________________________
>> Passcodes/Pin codes:
>> Participant passcode: OPS
>> For security reasons, the passcode will be required to join the call.
>> ____________________________________________________________________________
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>> Country                             Toll Numbers          Freephone/Toll
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>> ARGENTINA                                                   0800-777-0519
>> AUSTRALIA           ADELAIDE:      61-8-8121-4842           1-800-657-260
>> AUSTRALIA           BRISBANE:      61-7-3102-0944           1-800-657-260
>> AUSTRALIA           CANBERRA:      61-2-6100-1944           1-800-657-260
>> AUSTRALIA           MELBOURNE:     61-3-9010-7713           1-800-657-260
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>> GERMANY                            49-69-2222-20362         0800-664-4247
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>> HONG KONG                          852-3001-3863            800-962-856
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>>                                                       000-800-852-1268
>>                                                   001-803-011-3982
>> IRELAND                            353-1-246-7646           1800-992-368
>> ISRAEL                                                      1-80-9216162
>> ITALY                              39-02-3600-6007          800-986-383
>> JAPAN               OSAKA:         81-6-7739-4799           0044-22-132439
>> JAPAN               TOKYO:         81-3-5539-5191           0044-22-132439
>> LATVIA                                                      8000-3185
>> LUXEMBOURG                         352-27-000-1364
>> MALAYSIA                                                    1-800-81-3065
>>                                                      001-866-376-9696
>> NETHERLANDS                        31-20-718-8588           0800-023-4378
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>>                                                      011-001-800-5072065
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>> POLAND                                                      00-800-1212572
>> PORTUGAL                                                    8008-14052
>>                                                      8-10-8002-0144011
>> SINGAPORE                          65-6883-9230             800-120-4663
>> SLOVAK REPUBLIC                    421-2-322-422-25
>> SOUTH AFRICA                                                080-09-80414
>> SOUTH KOREA                        82-2-6744-1083
>>           00798-14800-7352
>> SPAIN                              34-91-414-25-33          800-300-053
>> SWEDEN                             46-8-566-19-348          0200-884-622
>> SWITZERLAND                        41-44-580-6398           0800-120-032
>> TAIWAN                             886-2-2795-7379          00801-137-797
>>                                                    001-800-1206-66056
>> UNITED KINGDOM      BIRMINGHAM:    44-121-210-9025          0808-238-6029
>> UNITED KINGDOM      GLASGOW:       44-141-202-3225          0808-238-6029
>> UNITED KINGDOM      LEEDS:         44-113-301-2125          0808-238-6029
>> UNITED KINGDOM      LONDON:        44-20-7108-6370          0808-238-6029
>> UNITED KINGDOM      MANCHESTER:    44-161-601-1425          0808-238-6029
>>                                                     000-413-598-3421
>> USA                                1-517-345-9004           866-692-5726
>> VENEZUELA                                                   0800-1-00-3702
>> *Access to your conference call will be either of the numbers listed,
>> dependent on the participants' local telecom provider.
>> Restrictions may exist when accessing freephone/toll free numbers using a
>> mobile telephone.
>> ----------------------------
>> Gisella Gruber-White
>> On behalf of GNSO Secretariat
>> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
>> Email: *gisella.gruber-white@xxxxxxxxx
>> *Tel: +44 7545 334 360
>> Skype ID: gisella.gw
>> ---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
>> From: Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> To: "jahedlund@xxxxxxxxxxx" <jahedlund@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 02:20:55 -0700
>> Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-csg] ACTION ITEMS: OSC-Constituency Operations Work
>> Team 21 June Sydney Mtg
>> Thanks Julie.
>> Remember that our next conference call will be held on July 10th, same
>> time 13 UTC.
>> I will soon send the proposed agenda for your revision.
>> Best regards from Sydney.
>> Olga
>> 2009/6/25 Julie Hedlund <jahedlund@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>  Dear Work Team members,
>>> Thank you for Sunday's meeting.  Here are the action items from the
>>> meeting.  These also are posted to the wiki at:
>>> https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?constituency_operations_team.
>>> In addition, the meeting minutes are available at:
>>> https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?osc_constituency_operation_work_team_meeting_notes.
>>> Also, the meeting transcript is linked to the wiki and also is available on
>>> this site:
>>> http://syd.icann.org/files/meetings/sydney2009/transcript-gnso-working-session-2-21jun09-en.txt.
>>> Please let me know if you have any questions or changes.
>>> *Action Items*:
>>> *1. Project Plans:*
>>> --Task 1, Subtasks 1 and 2: Olga and Michael will discuss with task
>>> leaders S.S and Victoria revised Work Plan dates and next steps.
>>> --Task 1 Subtask 3: Krista and Tony will meet with Constituency
>>> representatives and provide dates for their Work Plan.
>>> *2. Identification of Best & Bad Practices:* Subtask leaders and their
>>> team members should identify best practices as well as bad practices, as
>>> they relate to their subtasks, using as a starting point the preliminary
>>> analysis of constituency/stakeholder charters, but also information on
>>> constituency web pages, and directly from constituencies. *New Due Date:
>>> by next meeting, tentative date: 10 July 2009*
>>> **
>>> Best regards,
>>> Julie
>>> Julie Hedlund
>>> Policy Consultant
>> --
>> Olga Cavalli, Dr. Ing.
>> www.south-ssig.com.ar
> --
> Olga Cavalli, Dr. Ing.
> www.south-ssig.com.ar

Olga Cavalli, Dr. Ing.

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