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[gnso-osc-csg] ACTION ITEM: Task 1, Subtask 4: Draft Tool Kit Recommendations

  • To: gnso-osc-csg <gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-csg] ACTION ITEM: Task 1, Subtask 4: Draft Tool Kit Recommendations
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 08:36:01 -0700

Dear Work Team members,

On today's call we discussed the final draft of the Tool Kit Services 
Recommendations for GNSO Organizations (Draft 3 11 Sept 09), which incorporates 
changes suggested by Claudio.  On the call we decided to circulate this final 
draft to allow time for those who have not already done so to comment on the 
document.  The Work Team is asking for a response from you, no later than 
Tuesday, 29 September, on the following:

 1.  Any suggested changes to Draft 3 of the Tool Kit Services Recommendations
 2.  If no suggested changes, please affirm that you agree with the final draft 
version of the Recommendations
 3.  Please indicate whether these Recommendations should be provided  a) to 
the OSC as soon as they are agreed to by the Work Team; b) along with 
Recommendations for the other Subtasks; or c) please let us know if you have 
suggestions for another way to handle these Recommendations.

Also, those of you who were at the meeting please feel free to add comments or 
clarifications to my summary of this action item from our meeting. Please let 
me know if you have any questions.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,


Attachment: Tool Kit Services Recommendations for GNSO Organizations Draft 3 11 Sept 09.doc
Description: Tool Kit Services Recommendations for GNSO Organizations Draft 3 11 Sept 09.doc

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