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Re: [gnso-osc-csg] NOTES/ACTIONS: GNSO OSC Constituency & Stakeholder
- To: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-csg] NOTES/ACTIONS: GNSO OSC Constituency & Stakeholder
- From: Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 18:20:29 -0300
Thanks Julie.
2009/10/30 Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
> Victoria,
> It appears that the audio cast is ready. It should be at the link labed,
> “English Part 3” under audio case at:
> http://audio.icann.org/meetings/seoul2009/gnso-working-session-1-part3-25oct09-en.mp3.
> Although, it may be part of “English Part 2” at:
> http://audio.icann.org/meetings/seoul2009/gnso-working-session-1-part2-25oct09-en.mp3
> .
> Thank you,
> Julie
> On 10/30/09 5:09 PM, "Julie Hedlund" <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear Victoria,
> Yes, there is a tremendous amount of administrative work for these
> meetings. Also, the procedure is not the same as for our individual
> meetings. We have different scribes and a different recording setup, so the
> result does not come out in the same way as regular meetings. As I noted in
> a previous message, the transcript and MP3 will appear on this link:
> http://sel.icann.org/node/6733. Note, however, that there will not be a
> separate transcript for this meeting. All of the GNSO meetings are run
> together in one transcript. Right now only part 1 is posted. I am not sure
> how far into the day part 1 goes — one has to scan the transcript — but I
> believe it ends before our the Work Team sessions begin. The MP3, however,
> will be separate and also will be posted to this link.
> Thank you,
> JHulie
> On 10/30/09 4:54 PM, "Victoria McEvedy" <victoria@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I appreciate that there must be an enormous amount of admin work –but as
> one of those who could not attend the last meeting I am keen to have the MP3
> and transcript as soon as it is available. Could someone give us an ETA on
> that? Thanks and best,
> Victoria McEvedy
> Principal
> McEvedys
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> *From:* owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx<owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx>]
> *On Behalf Of *Olga Cavalli
> *Sent:* 30 October 2009 20:48
> *To:* Papac, Krista
> *Cc:* Julie Hedlund; gnso-osc-csg; Gisella Gruber-White; Glen de Saint
> Géry
> *Subject:* Re: [gnso-osc-csg] NOTES/ACTIONS: GNSO OSC Constituency &
> Stakeholder
> Thanks Krista,
> I also agree that we must keep momentum.
> Gisella please be so kind to arrange a conference call for next Friday 6
> November 13 UTC.
> I will circulate the agenda on Monday.
> Have a nice weekend.
> Best regards
> Olga
> 2009/10/30 Papac, Krista <Krista.Papac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> All,
> I can attend the November 6 call. I know scheduling is tough with all that
> is going on right now, but I also think it is important to keep moving
> forward with the work of our WG.
> **Please note my new Mobile Number
> Krista Papac
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> *Order your complimentary copy of Software Escrow for Dummies today at
> ironmountain.com/escrowfordummies** <
> http://ironmountain.com/escrowfordummies>
> *
> ------------------------------
> *From:* owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx<owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx>]
> *On Behalf Of *Olga Cavalli
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 29, 2009 12:03 PM
> *To:* Julie Hedlund
> *Cc:* gnso-osc-csg
> *Subject:* Re: [gnso-osc-csg] NOTES/ACTIONS: GNSO OSC Constituency &
> Stakeholder
> Dear working team members,
> I hope this email finds you well.
> It seems that some of us will have problems in having our conference call
> at the middle and end of November.
> My suggestion is that we have a teleconference next Friday November 6,
> usual time (13 UTC) in order to review the status of documents and
> revisions, also we can give all of you feedback about our face to face
> meeting on Sunday and about the OSC meeting.
> I will welcome your comments on this regard.
> Thanks and have a nice weekend and safe travels for those who are in Seoul,
> Korea.
> Olga
> 2009/10/26 Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Thank you very much Julie for the minutes and next steps.
> In relation with the date for our next conference call, some of the working
> team members will be attending the IGF in Sharm el Sheik, Egypt (15 - 18
> November).
> Unfortunately Friday 13 and Friday 20 November I will be in planes.
> My suggestion is to continue our work in trough the email list and have our
> next conference call on Friday 28 November.
> I will welcome your comments on this regard.
> Best regards and thanks.
> Olga
> 2009/10/26 Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
> Dear Work Team members,
> Here are the brief notes and action items from yesterday’s meeting. The
> transcripts and MP3 will be circulated as soon as they are available.
> Please let me know if you have any questions.
> Thank you,
> Julie
> *Meeting Notes/Action Items:
> *
> *1. Subtask 1.1:* SS sent the final draft document to the Sub Team for
> review. Claudio provided comments that SS included in the final draft. The
> full Work Team should review and comment on the final draft. *The deadline
> for responses is Friday, 13 November.
> *
> *2. Subtask 1.2:* Victoria sent the final draft document to the Sub Team
> for review. During the meeting, the Work Team reviewed the draft document.
> Some members expressed objections to “Annex B - Code of Practice for ICANN
> Staff” and also noted that there was no corresponding recommendation in the
> BGC report. Several members suggested that this section should be stricken.
> Michael Young also noted that his comments were missing from the final
> draft. *The Work Team members suggested that Victoria should revised the
> draft to include Michael's comments and should confirm which sub team
> members agree with the recommendations and which do not, before circulating
> the final draft to the full Work Team. In addition, the sub team should
> provide additional comments by Friday, 06 November.
> *
> *3. Subtask 1.3:* Krista agreed to incorporate sub team comments and
> circulate a final draft to the full Work Team, which she did on 25 October.
> *The deadline for responses from Work Team members is Friday, 13 November.
> *
Olga Cavalli, Dr. Ing.

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