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Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Minority Report
- To: Olga Cavalli <olgacavalli@xxxxxxxxx>, SS Kshatriy <sskshatriy@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Minority Report
- From: "Papac, Krista" <Krista.Papac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 14:32:18 -0400
I agree with Chuck that a table which reflects the variances in the two
recommendations (minority and WT) would be helpful to anyone and it seems to me
it would help readers to most easily understand the views of those holding the
minority position.
Krista Papac
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From: owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Olga Cavalli
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2010 6:36 PM
To: SS Kshatriy
Cc: victoria@xxxxxxxxxx; ChuckGomes; Julie Hedlund; gnso-osc-csg
Subject: Re: {posible spam} Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Minority Report
my suggestion of a summary written by both of you had only the intention of
facilitating comprehension of the minority report, only that.
I am not sure if I understand you completely as English is my second language
and I have limitations, could you please clarify: "I had, several times, asked
that staff should put up supporting papers for agenda related issues for each
meeting.It was so essential in those early days. You never supported it."
What are you referring that I never supported? We have always worked as a team,
so I will appreciate your clarification on this regard.
2010/5/16 SS Kshatriy <sskshatriy@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:sskshatriy@xxxxxxxxx>>
Dear Olga,
Allow me to be a little blunt about this issue.
It is a clear step of scuttling the issue of minority reports--particularly
coming it from Head of GNSO.
You are looking for the convinience of higher-up bodies that may be out of
Think of our WT early meetings. I had, several times, asked that staff should
put up supporting papers for agenda related issues for each meeting.It was so
essential in those early days. You never supported it.
Now you want to spoon-feed higher-up bodies, without them asking for it.
So, my request is that let the minority reports go the way they are and let
those higher bodies handle it the way they want.
If the interest is to scuttle minority reports, it is very easy. You will
easily collect majority votes not to send them, because they are not majority
reports. Question can arise if WT is empowered to meddle with someones' reports.
However, there is one way if it satisfies someone's ego.
I will request Victoria to reduce it a little for that purpose.
best regards,
--- On Sun, 5/16/10, Olga Cavalli
<olgacavalli@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:olgacavalli@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
From: Olga Cavalli <olgacavalli@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:olgacavalli@xxxxxxxxx>>
Subject: Re: {posible spam} Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Minority Report
To: victoria@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:victoria@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>>, "Julie
Hedlund" <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>>,
"gnso-osc-csg" <gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx>>
Date: Sunday, May 16, 2010, 12:30 PM
as a general comment, I find useful those executive summaries that are included
as first parts in long documents.
in this case such a summary may help understanding a document which is long and
also for the future reference it may result useful.
I also understand that those who sent the minority report do not want it edited.
Victoria, SS, would you consider preparing yourselves a summary that could help
the general understanding of the minority report?
Are there other suggestions from our working team on this regard?
Thanks and regards
My objection remains ---you propose extraction and in effect
trunciation/editing. That is not acceptable. There are no word limits for
Minority Reports nor style formalities and we are entitled to submit it in the
form of our choice. I'm sorry if you think it too long or would have preferred
a different approach. We want our report read in full and taken as is. We are
not submitting enumerated minority recomendations.
Sent from my BlackBerry(r) wireless device
From: "Gomes, Chuck"
Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 08:27:03 -0400
Cc: Julie
Subject: RE: [gnso-osc-csg] Minority Report
You misunderstand Victoria. I am not suggesting that the minority report
should not be referenced as submitted or that any changes should be made to
your report. I am suggesting an additional document be prepared that would
make it very easy for the WT, the OSC and the Council to compare your
recommendations to those in the WT report in a concise and accurate manner.
For me this would make it much easier for me to simply see where the actual
variations between the two recommendations are and whether they are justifiable
in my view or need additional consideration. In my opinion, your document does
not do that for several reasons: 1) it is very long and hence many who are not
close to this issue will not read it thoroughly; 2) it does not concisely list
your recommendations but instead incorporates them in the midst of lots of
background and your justification; 3) it does not accurately list all of the WT
final recommendations or discuss other related GNSO requirements.
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2010 8:09 AM
To: Gomes, Chuck; Olga Cavalli
Cc: Julie Hedlund; gnso-osc-csg
Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Minority Report
I would like to say and I think SS would agree that we would prefer this task
not be undertaken and ask that the minority report be submitted just as it is
to be read in full---and not extracted from or condensed or edited or
trunciated in anyway whatsoever. Thank you. Victoria
Sent from my BlackBerry(r) wireless device
From: "Gomes, Chuck"
Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 07:46:22 -0400
To: Victoria
Cc: Julie
Subject: RE: [gnso-osc-csg] Minority Report
After having read the minority report, I would like to make a suggestion that I
think would be beneficial to the CSG WT as we finalize our work, to the OSC
when they review our final report, and to the Council when they take action on
the recommendations that are sent forward by the OSC. I suggest that Julie (if
possible) prepare a complete and concise table that lists the recommendations
in the minority report with the corresponding recommendation from the WT report
as applicable. To the extent possible:
* Recommendations should be quoted verbatim from the applicable
document if that can be done briefly.
* In cases where recommendations include multiple parts, they should be
broken out in those separate parts if that makes it easier to compare the
* Document references should be included for all recommendations from
both documents to make it easy for anyone to go to the documents and read the
full text (e.g., Section #, Page #, Line # as appropriate).
* The comparison table should not include any rationale for
recommendations but readers should be encourage to read the full text; this
will hopefully allow readers to compare the recommendations on their face value
and make their own analysis and form their own questions.
I fully understand that this is a time consuming task for Julie, but I strongly
believe that it will save lots of time for everyone involved as the
recommendations move forward through the next steps of the process.
I welcome other thoughts on this.
On Behalf Of Victoria McEvedy
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 9:48 AM
To: Olga Cavalli
Cc: Julie Hedlund; gnso-osc-csg
Subject: RE: [gnso-osc-csg] Minority Report
Dear Chair and WG,
Please find attached by way of submission a Joint Minority Report by SS
Kshatriy and me.
Julie, I wonder if you could help us with some of the missing links.
Thank you and best regards,
Victoria McEvedy
Solicitors and Attorneys
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On Behalf Of Olga Cavalli
Sent: 11 May 2010 23:56
To: Claudio Di Gangi
Cc: Julie Hedlund; gnso-osc-csg
Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: 07 May 2010 Meeting
thanks for your comments and suggestions.
I agree with them.
2010/5/10 Claudio Di Gangi
Thank you. Please see the attached red-line, where I made three edits.
One covers a change we agreed to on a work team call: to delete the Term limit
for GNSO Councilors within this document.
The reason is because term limits for Councilors are already specified in the
ICANN Bylaws, so we wanted to avoid confusion with those provisions. For
reference, I think Michael was chairing that particular work team call.
My other two edits are summarized below, and are non-substantive.
1. I added "for GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies" to the title
of the document so it is more clear as to where this applies.
2. I made an edit to clarify a sentence in the background section that I
found vague because it referred to Groups existing within the "GNSO Council",
not the broader GNSO. This sentence now reads:
"When the BGC WG made its initial recommendations, the concept of Stakeholder
Groups (SGs) as part of the GNSO structure had not yet been implemented. Since
then SGs have been implemented within the GNSO structure along with
Subject to the correction identified above, I am OK approving this document.
Thanks to all for their time & hard work on the effort.
On Behalf Of Olga Cavalli
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 2:25 PM
To: Julie Hedlund
Cc: gnso-osc-csg
Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: 07 May 2010 Meeting
Thanks Julie for this.
Please note:
Work Team members are requested to review Task 1 document and to provide any
final comments and minority reports, if any, by Friday, 14 May.
In the case that you agree with the Task 1 text as it is now and do not want to
send minority reports or suggest changes, please send an email to the list with
this confirmation.
Have a nice weekend
2010/5/7 Julie Hedlund
Dear Work Team members,
Here are the actions from today's meeting. (You will find the summary on the
wiki at:
https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?constituency_operations_team.) Please
let me know if you have any changes or questions. Our next meeting will be
held next Friday, 14 May at 1300 UTC/0600 PST/0900 EST for one hour.
Best regards,
Action Items:
Task 1: Actions:
1. Olga asked Julie to make the changes and to circulate the revised document.
(Done, See attached document.)
2. Work Team members are requested to review the document and to provide any
final comments and minority reports, if any, by Friday, 14 May.
Task 2:
Debbie will revise the framework document based on comments received from Work
Team members and circulate the revised document for review.
See the wiki at:
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