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[gnso-osc-ops] GNSO Council Rules of Procedure

  • To: <gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] GNSO Council Rules of Procedure
  • From: <KnobenW@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 13:06:06 +0200


by glancing through the existing RoPs I realized that we would be facing
a hell of work if each of us had to review the entire text. Some parts
have already been discussed in other teams (e.g. definitions of
stakeholder group, constituency etc, composition of the council, voting
scheme...), others are still under discussion (e.g. PDP, Working Groups
or Teams...). But somebody has to collect the information available so
far and prepare an appropriate version that we can start with. I would
appreciate if staff could do that job.

As a starting point I took the content directory of the existing RoPs.
For my feeling it's still usable with slight amendments but the content
itself is to be adapted. (see attached)

Furthermore I'd like to suggest that for this exercise we initially do
not anticipate the GNSO structure as proposed in the high level
principles document. It could be implemented if it shall be mature.

Best regards

Wolf-Ulrich <<GNSO Council New Rules of Procedure (WUK).doc>> 

Attachment: GNSO Council New Rules of Procedure (WUK).doc
Description: GNSO Council New Rules of Procedure (WUK).doc

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