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[gnso-osc-ops] OSC meeting - Sydney

  • To: "'GNSO Ops Work Team'" <gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] OSC meeting - Sydney
  • From: "Ray Fassett" <ray@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 13:49:46 -0400

Team (and support members):  One of the actions items from our call
yesterday was to seek cooperation from OSC members for a face to face
meeting in Sydney.  We are exploring Saturday to accommodate this request.
While I do not have a time to share with you right now, I am asking how many
of our team members can be available for a meeting on Saturday June 20?  Ron
Andruff, under separate cover and who will be physically present in Sydney,
has confirmed his ability to attend a Saturday meeting.  Ron has also
offered the following agenda items for which I concur:


1.      the GCOT feels that it would be of value to capitalize on a
face-to-face meeting with the OSC to update them on our progress and discuss
a single work item that needs broader input to finalize; 
2.      the GCOT would like to hear (as we believe is in the interest of the
OSC) an update from all OSC work teams vis-à-vis progress to date and which
issues are perplexing them, as examples, that would enable all of the work
team participants to better understand where/how the work they are
undertaking fits into the whole. 
3.      the GCOT, as recommended by staff support, will be submitting an
SOI/DOI document for OSC consideration and would like to take advantage of
the face-to-face meeting to solicit feedback on that work product. 


Please reply if a Saturday meeting can or can not work for you either
remotely or by physical attendance.  There is a matter of urgency for your
reply as schedules for Sydney are being finalized.




Ray Fassett



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