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[gnso-osc-ops] Draft Procedures for Abstentions

  • To: <gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] Draft Procedures for Abstentions
  • From: "Ken Bour" <ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 14:19:41 -0500

GCOT Members:


As indicated in my summary of the team's 6 Jan teleconference (forwarded on
8 Jan by Julie), I have drafted a new set of procedures for handling
abstentions in the GNSO Operating Procedures (attached).   I made it a point
to ensure that all of the items discussed in our last meeting are addressed
in this new version including removal of the default provision that would
permit altering the voting denominator.   


Given its overall complexity, I am recommending that a new Section
5-Abstentions be created in the GNSO Operating Procedures.   If that is
acceptable to the team, one task that needs to be undertaken is to make sure
that Section 4 (Voting) and this new Section 5 do not contradict each other.
In my cursory review, I do not see any obvious problems other than removing
the original Section 4.5 which was a placeholder for Proxy Voting.    In
addition, perhaps Section 4 should cross-reference Section 5 in one or more
places since it deals with the subject of Voting.   


I started out with the idea of creating a redlined version; however, since
this draft is a substantial reformulation of existing materials along with
new text, it became unmanageable in that form.   As a result, the document
is clean -- submitted for review and additional editing as determined by the


I want to point out that, as I began working through its logical
reconstruction, I found that including incidental absence (among the causes)
did not fit and made the entire section awkward to write.   After some fits
and starts, I decided that it probably did not belong in this section and
excluded it.   I note that "absentee voting" is already handled in Section
4.4 of the procedures; thus, I thought it would be better to focus this
section solely on the matter of abstentions.   Hopefully, as you read it, it
will be clearer to you what I am trying to communicate awkwardly in this
paragraph.   If anyone thinks we should reinsert incidental absence and
absentee voting into this section (or, for that matter, combine Sections 4
and 5), that topic can be revisited once we have these procedures ironed


I want to acknowledge and thank Rob Hoggarth for his review and suggestions.
He and I will be sending a copy of this new version to Dan Halloran along
with some ideas as to how the Bylaws might be amended to support these


I look forward to your feedback and tomorrow's discussion.  




Ken Bour


Attachment: GNSO Ops Procs-New Section on Abstentions (KBv3-RHv1).doc
Description: MS-Word document

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