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[gnso-osc-ops] ACTION ITEM: Final Draft Abstention Procedures

  • To: gnso-osc-ops <gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] ACTION ITEM: Final Draft Abstention Procedures
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 15:25:22 -0800

Dear Work Team members,

As discussed in today’s call, attached in .doc and .pdf are the final 
recommended changes to the GNSO Operating Procedures to address abstentions.  
As requested on the call, Ken Bour has revised the latest version, which was 
based on the discussion on the 06 January Work Team call, to incorporate the 
procedures into Section 4.0 — Voting as a new subsection 4.5 — Abstentions.   
Please note that Ken identified and made changes in a few other places within 
Section 4 to maintain consistency and integrity throughout the entire set of 
voting procedures.  Because he was changing existing approved language, he left 
track changes on in 4.1-4.4, but accepted all of the changes in 4.5 per Ray’s 

ACTION ITEM: It was agreed on today’s call that unless Work Team members 
specifically object to these final recommended procedures no later than Monday, 
01 February, they will be considered to be agreed to by the Work Team.  If 
there are no objections, the Work Team will forward the recommended procedures 
to ICANN Legal staff for review.  Once that review is complete the Work Team 
will forward the procedures to the Operations Steering Team for consideration 
with the goal of GNSO Council approval at at the Council’s 10 March meeting at 
the ICANN meeting in Nairobi, Kenya.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thank you.

Best regards,


Attachment: GNSO Ops Procs Section 4-Voting & 4.5-Abstentions (KBv1).doc
Description: GNSO Ops Procs Section 4-Voting & 4.5-Abstentions (KBv1).doc

Attachment: GNSO Ops Procs Section 4-Voting & 4.5-Abstentions (KBv1).pdf
Description: GNSO Ops Procs Section 4-Voting & 4.5-Abstentions (KBv1).pdf

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