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[gnso-osc-ops] Resending(2): Re: Actions/Summary: 21 April Meeting

  • To: gnso-osc-ops <gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] Resending(2): Re: Actions/Summary: 21 April Meeting
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 06:27:18 -0700

Dear Work Team members,

The document has again become corrupted in transit.  I have renamed it to see 
if that will solve the problem.  Thank you for your patience.


On 4/22/10 9:24 AM, "Julie Hedlund" <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear Work Team members,

I have noted that one of the documents I have sent was renamed when the email 
was encoded.  You may not be able to open it.  I have resent the document.


On 4/22/10 9:22 AM, "Julie Hedlund" <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear Work Team members,

Below are the action items and a brief summary of the discussion at our 21 
April meeting.  Please let me know if you have any questions or changes.  These 
are posted on our wiki at: 
https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?gnso_operations_team.  Note also that 
our next meeting will be Wednesday, 05 May at 1700 UTC (10:00 PST, 13:00 EST, 
19:00 CEST, 20:00 Jerusalem, 01:00 Taiwan 08 April).  Thank you.

Best regards,


Action Items/Discussion
1. Section 2.1 Term Limits: Ron Andruff reminded the WT that Ray had agreed at 
the last meeting agreed that with the change suggested by Wolf Ulrich-Knoben 
and taking into consideration the discussion at the 24 March meeting this 
section is complete. Ken Bour noted that he had provided revised text for the 
WT on April 8. Julie Hedlund agreed to resend the final text to Ray for 
transmission to the OSC. See attached document.

2. Section 5 SOI/DOI: The OSC sent suggested changes from Steve Metalitz for 
the WT to consider. The WT discussed Steve's suggestions and agreed to make 
changes to section 5.3.3. In addition, the WT discussed changes requested in 
the Public Comments. They agreed that the issue of the difference between a 
Statement of Interest and a Disclosure of Interest had been addressed by 
changes made to the document by Philip Sheppard, but they asked Julie to ensure 
that all references to "Declaration of Interest" had been eliminated. With 
respect to changes requested by INTA, they agreed to include for Statements of 
Interest a request for respondents to provide their declared country of 
residence, which may be determined by where they pay taxes. With respect to 
confidentiality, they noted that SOIs/DOIs are not confidential, but they 
agreed that ICANN should make it clear to respondents that the information they 
provide will not be treated as confidential so they should use discretion in 
determining what information they can provide under their countries' privacy 
laws. See attached document.

3. Remaining procedures: The WT asked Ken to consider the comments on the list 
to the documents he had sent on the remaining procedures, make any necessary 
adjustments, and send the revised text: Section 2.4 – Board Seat Elections: 
sent to WT on 8 April; New Section 4-Voting and 3.8-Absences: sent to WT on 13 

Attachment: GNSO rules section 5.0 OSC pending Apr2010 WT edits redline.doc
Description: GNSO rules section 5.0 OSC pending Apr2010 WT edits redline.doc

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