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[gnso-osc-ops] Draft Council Resolutions for GCOT Documents

  • To: <gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] Draft Council Resolutions for GCOT Documents
  • From: "Ken Bour" <ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 16:33:06 -0400

GCOT Members:


Separately, I thought we might continue to keep an eye on Council
resolutions pertaining to GCOT documents that are in various states of
process.   I separated the resolutions into Group A and Group B, if you
will, both of which could be activated as early as the 10 June Council
meeting (most especially for 2.1, 2.4, and Chapter 5.0).  If we are not
quite completed with Group B, hopefully it can be submitted in time for the
Brussels Council meeting pending OSC approval.    Note that I did not repeat
the first three background WHEREAS clauses in the 2nd Resolution.   


I will work on getting the links (using latest OSC versions) put up on the
GNSO website for the Group A documents.   I will amend the resolution once I
have the URLs.  


Ken Bour



DRAFT COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Group A:  Sections 2.1, 2.4, and Chapter 5.0)


WHEREAS, in October 2008, the GNSO Council established a framework
tation-plan-16oct08.pdf>  for implementing the various GNSO Improvements
/www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-26jun08.htm>  identified and approved
by the ICANN Board of Directors on 26 June 2008;


WHEREAS, that framework included the formation, in January 2009, of two
Steering Committees, the Operations Steering Committee (OSC) and the Policy
Process Steering Committee (PPSC), to charter and coordinate the efforts of
five community work teams in developing specific recommendations to
implement the improvements;


WHEREAS, the OSC established three work teams, including the GNSO Council
Operations Work Team (GCOT), which was chartered to focus on one of the five
operational areas addressed in the BGC Report recommendations;


WHEREAS, the GCOT has completed and submitted certain documents that it
recommends be incorporated into the GNSO Operating Procedures (GOP):
Chapter 5.0-Statements and Disclosures of Interest {Link TBD}; Section
2.1-Council Member Term Limits {Link TBD}; and Section 2.4-Board Seat
Elections {Link TBD};  


WHEREAS, the OSC has approved the above referenced amendments to the GOP and
forwarded these documents to the GNSO Council on or before 12 May 2010; 




RESOLVED, that the GNSO Council accepts these deliverables submitted by the
GCOT and approved by the OSC and directs Staff to post these aforementioned
documents for twenty-one (21) days in the ICANN Public Comment Forum.  


RESOLVED FURTHER, that the GNSO Council shall take formal action on these
three documents, including potential modification, as soon as possible after
the conclusion of the public comment period.   



DRAFT GNSO COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Group B:  Sections 3.8 and Chapter 4.0)

WHEREAS, the GNSO Council Operations Work Team (GCOT) has developed a set of
abstention provisions that it recommends be incorporated into the GNSO
Operations Procedures as Section 4.5, part of a larger Chapter 4.0-Voting
{Link TBD}; and

WHEREAS, the GCOT has also identified other voting procedures within Chapter
4.0 that it recommends be amended to be consistent with its proposed
abstentions provisions; and 

WHEREAS, the GCOT has revised Section 3.8 {Link TBD} to cover related
procedures for handling absences and vacancies; 

WHEREAS, the Operations Steering Committee (OSC) has reviewed all of these
documents and recommends them for adoption by the GNSO Council. 



RESOLVED, that the GNSO Council accepts these deliverables submitted by the
GCOT and approved by the OSC and directs Staff to post these aforementioned
documents for twenty-one (21) days in the ICANN Public Comment Forum; 

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the GNSO Council will take formal action on these
documents, including potential modification, as soon as possible after the
conclusion of the public comment period.  


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