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[gnso-osc] FW: Further Council Ops Procedures Concepts and Presentation

  • To: <gnso-osc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc] FW: Further Council Ops Procedures Concepts and Presentation
  • From: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 18:22:18 -0400

Here is what I hope is a near final version of the draft GNSO Council Operating 
Procedures that the Council will hopefully approve for public comment tomorrow. 
 Please read Rob's message below to get a good overview of the changes that 
were made to the version that the GCOT and OSC had previously submitted.  Also, 
note that I added one more edit to what Rob sent at the end of Section 4.2, the 
last sentence.  All of the content changes are highlighted to make it easy to 
see the changes.
Ray - please forward this to the GCOT list.
My apologies for the many changes but I personally believe that each iteration 
has made the procedures better without compromising the work of the GCOT.  If 
you have any concerns, please communicate them to your Council reps or to me 
before the Council meeting tomorrow (13:00 UTC; 9 am EDT).


From: Robert Hoggarth [mailto:robert.hoggarth@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 2:56 PM
To: Gomes, Chuck; Avri Doria
Cc: Glen de Saint Géry; Ray Fassett; Liz Gasster; Denise Michel; Julie Hedlund; 
Margie Milam; Ken Bour
Subject: Re: Further Council Ops Procedures Concepts and Presentation
Importance: High

Dear Chuck, Avri and Ray;

Per Chuck's recent message, we have gotten General Counsel office feedback on 
the suggested language changes circulated yesterday and a thumb's up that they 
look OK. 

Armed with that feedback, attached is a new document setting forth the Work 
Team recommendations in a revised format.  The attached draft document 
faithfully reflects the substance of the original recommendations in most 
respects with just a few areas for consolidation, heading changes and 
reordering of section numbers. 

The substantive changes include the suggested revised language I previously 
shared, a suggested change regarding the vote for closing session and some 
other obvious formatting changes described below:

Substantive suggested language changes:

1.   Number of Votes Cast - Former Section 5.4 is now Section 4.2 and includes 
the new text that Ken and I suggested yesterday.  The entire section is shown 
as "changed" in the draft document.

2.   Quorum - Former Section 3.6 is now section 4.1 and reflects the revised 
language I circulated yesterday.

3.   Open vs Closed Sessions -  New Section 3.2.  This is a new suggestion.  It 
struck us that in the spirit of transparency, it might be viewed as 
inappropriate for a subset of the Council members present during a specific 
session to close that session without some prior notice or other process and 
that at the very least the default threshold of a majority vote of both houses 
should be required.  The suggestion is clearly marked and can be rejected if 
you think it goes too far this late in the process.

Other format changes include:

1.   Re-working the introduction and streamlining the list of links provided.  
The work team recommendations were necessarily based on the original procedures 
format, but this streamlined approach seems more clear, clean and accessible to 

2.   Other word additions, substitutions and heading changes clearly marked to 
reflect re-organizing or re-ordering.  


Our review of the materials over the last two days confirms the very heavy 
lifting and great effort that the Work Team made under Ray's direction and 
Julie's support!

I also like Avri's suggestion for the operating procedures transition - to add 
another line to the draft Implementation Plan to resolve the "bootstrapping" 
issue.  Much cleaner than our original brainstorming idea. Maybe, Avri, you can 
share that thought with the Council list and it can be discussed during the 
Council meeting tomorrow.

Happy to have further email dialogue on this as necessary.



On 9/22/09 7:12 PM, "Chuck Gomes" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

        Thanks Rob and Ken for your work on this.  I like the suggested 
amendments to Sections 5.4 and 3.5 in the Draft Council Operating Procedures.  
They are consistent with the objection I communicated on the Council list to 
Philip's proposed amendment.  I would like to see comments from others on the 
distribution of this email message and also would like to have confirmation 
that the GC office concurs with your recommendation by ASAP tomorrow but NLT 3 
pm EDT.  Assuming that happens, I would like to propose the amendments to the 
motion I made.
        Note that I added some additional comments below.


                From: Robert Hoggarth  [mailto:robert.hoggarth@xxxxxxxxx] 
                Sent: Tuesday, September 22,  2009 6:40 PM
                To: Gomes, Chuck; Avri Doria
                Cc: Glen de  Saint Géry; Ray Fassett; Liz Gasster; Denise 
Michel; Julie Hedlund; Margie  Milam
                Subject: Further Council Ops Procedures  Thoughts
                Dear Avri and  Chuck;
                Ken Bour and I spent a couple of hours today going over the new 
 Bylaws and the recommended Council Ops Procedures in an effort to better  
understand the issues behind the recent brief dialogue on abstentions with  
Kristina and Phillip on the Council email list AND in an effort to test and or  
break the ops processes and voting mechanisms.
                As a result of our  effort, we have have come up with a number 
of ideas/concepts we wanted to  float by you prior to the Council meeting.
                1.   We've  developed some edits to the recommendations - 
specifically Section 5.4 (# of  votes cast) and section 3.5 (Quorum) that we 
think address the affirmative  vote/no vote abstaining issue by providing some 
more clarity to the  recommended voting procedure.  That potential compromise 
language is set  forth at the end of this message.
                2.   At the conclusion of  the Work Team's deliberations, 
noting that the team had focused on the  substance of each specific 
recommendation and not on the overall format of the  procedures, I suggested to 
Ray Fassett (copying Ray on this message) that in  preparation for the public 
comment period, Staff could work on the format and  presentation of the 
recommendations to make them more clear and clean. We've  started some work in 
that regard - not making any substantive changes,  but merely trying to pull 
different sections together and consolidating common  subjects areas (e.g., 
voting ) where there may be references in more than one  section of the 
recommendations.  We should have a suggested format  finished for you all to 
take a look at tomorrow.
                [Gomes,  Chuck] Assuming they are just format changes, it seems 
to me that it  would be much better to post the reformatted document for public 
comment  rather than the current one however it might be amended.  If there is  
general agreement on that, then we should think about how best to make that  
happen; I assume another amendment to my motion would be the way to go and I  
will think about how best to do that in addition to the amendments to 5.4 and  
                3.   We discussed the conundrum of the  incoming Council voting 
on the Ops Procedures (before new voting procedures  exist).  We suggest that 
you consider creating a procedural bridge  between the two Councils in which 
the outgoing Council "conditionally  approves" the new procedures as a 
transitional matter (perhaps this could take  place at a "special" Council 
meeting during the weekend in Seoul) and then  have the incoming Council ratify 
them as its first order of business.   The new Council could then make changes 
over time as it works with and  develops some experience with the new 
procedures. Haven't discussed this with  the GC yet - just brainstorming.
                [Gomes, Chuck] As it stands now,  I don't think there is any 
plan for the outgoing Council to approve  the procedures. Do you think it is 
necessary?  As I believe you  understand, the plan is for the new Council to 
approve the procedures  as one of the first agenda items on the 28th.  Our 
practice has been  to not do official business during our working sessions on 
the  weekend before ICANN general meetings because not everyone can make it  
there early and some people will be traveling on the weekend.  If it is  
necessary, we might be able to make an exception, but it seems best to avoid  
that if possible. 
                4.   We have also  started to develop a a matrix/voting record 
spreadsheet as an unofficial tool  for the new Chair and Glen to use for 
recording votes.  The idea is to  have a clear and understandable score sheet 
that can be used during votes to  easily show when voting thresholds have been 
met (or not). We'll get Glen's  feedback on the concept and share that with you 
when she is comfortable with a  draft document.
                [Gomes, Chuck] Sounds great.  I would hope that  it would be a 
template that allowed for live input of  votes that resulted in automatic 
totally of the votes.  Is that what  you anticipate? 
                We are hopeful that the language  suggested below is useful. 
Your comments are most welcomed.   
                In the recommended Council Operating Procedures, we  suggest 
some new language to modify Section 5.4 and 3.5 as  follows:
                5.4 The Number of Votes Cast
                OLD: To pass, a motion  must attain a majority of the votes 
cast in each house unless otherwise  specified in these procedures or in the 
ICANN Bylaws. Abstentions count as  votes cast and shall include a reason for 
the abstention.  This has the  effect of making an abstention count the same as 
a  vote against except as described in ICANN Bylaws, ANNEX A, GNSO  
Policy-Development Process, Section 3, Initiation of PDP.  [INSERT LIVE  LINK 
                NEW:  Unless otherwise specified in these  procedures or in the 
ICANN Bylaws, to pass a motion  or other action, greater than 50% of the 
eligible voters in each House  must cast affirmative votes.  For all votes 
taken, the number of eligible voters in each House  shall be fixed to the 
number of seats allocated in the Bylaws (a.k.a. the  denominator) and is not 
affected by the number of members present or absent at  the meeting in which 
the motion or other action is initiated.   Abstentions shall be recorded as  
non-votes and shall include a reason. 
                3.5.  Quorum
                OLD: In order for the GNSO Council to initiate a meeting a  
quorum must be present.  A quorum is a majority of voting members, which  
includes at least one member of each Stakeholder Group. [INSERT LIVE LINK TO  
BYLAWS.] Whenever a vote is taken there must be a quorum. 
                NEW: In order for  the GNSO Council to initiate a vote,  a 
quorum must be present.  A quorum is a majority of voting members in each 
House, which includes at least one  member of each Stakeholder Group. 
                ***END SUGGESTED  LANGUAGE ***



Attachment: GNSO Council Operating Procedures-Reorganized 23 Sep 09.doc
Description: GNSO Council Operating Procedures-Reorganized 23 Sep 09.doc

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