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Re: [gnso-osc] FW: Final CCT recommendations

  • To: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-osc] FW: Final CCT recommendations
  • From: Stéphane Van Gelder <stephane.vangelder@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2009 12:57:38 +0100

Some very good points, thanks Avri.


Le 7 nov. 2009 à 21:09, Avri Doria a écrit :


Having just become the contact for the NCSG in this SC, I am offering some belated comments on the doc. Hope it is not too late.

On 1 Nov 2009, at 21:29, Gomes, Chuck wrote:

<CCT Recommendations Final 31 Oct.doc>

• Encourage the understanding of opposing perspectives, while maintaining a spirit of cooperation and civility

This refers to the discussion in 2.5.7 as well.

This has become a standard refrain mine, and I mention it all the time. I know that civility is called for in the ICANN ombudsman's report and tha tstandards of comportment, and I do think that we should act with civility and should teach it by example. But civility is basically something we demand of others - we wish to treated with civility, we call for civility when we think we have been mistreated.

I think what ICANN needs even more then civility, especially as we begin to incorporate more cultures, is tolerance of others.

So I would prefer a comment like: "spirit of cooperation, civility and tolerance."

and in 2.5.7 a statement that asks people to be tolerant of others. Given his role at the start of ICANN remembering Postel's Law is a good thing: Be conservative in what you send and liberal in what you receive.

Under the leadership of our ombudsman we have gotten almost militant about civility. I fear this is counter productive.

Was a call for tolerance considered? If it was rejected, why was it rejected?

Page 5

Accordingly, the CCT took care to focus -oin the areas where the GNSO can have the

typo - oin

page 6


Poor ability to solicit meaningful feedback

Is that the whole problem? Or it that there is a problem with soliciting and responding to meaningful feedback meaningfully? Were both aspects considered?


Few formalized channels for GNSO council to communicate with Board

Not only few formalized, but few direct channels - most channels are staff mediated, and this has been shown to not work. Was this problem considered?

page 7

Because the GNSO is not prioritizing its work,

I believe this is a simplistic statement. Everyone talks about prioritizing, yet there are many things that need to be dealt with in parallel. I believe the real problem is possibly not one of setting priorities but one of not having yet succeeded in scaling up the ability to do work. One of the main reasons for the restructuring was to widen the base of those doing the work, leaving the GNSO council in a purely managerial role with staff in a supportive role. This has not been dealt with fully yet. And communications are a big part of widening the base.

Was widening the pool of participants considered as an alternative solution? Where alternative way to scale up the efficiency of the volunteer staff considered?

page 8

The threshold for introduction of an issue into community debate or policy development is sufficiently low that almost anything can be brought to community attention at any time.

Unfortunately if the threshold is raised, you get a tyranny of the majority where only the issues that the many agree with will get on the table. This is not a viable alternative.

I believe the solution is not fewer issues, but more outreach (communications) to get more workers and methods to help them be more efficiant. Was this alternative considered? If so, why was it rejected?

Page 11
• ICANN staff assigned to GNSO support should prepare a bi-monthly update of GNSO activity against its objectives and present it to the board.

These should be vetted with the council first. In fact all staff communication concerning the GNSO should be vetted in the council first. Was requiring vetting of all communication regarding the council to the board considered? It should be noted that the Board approves all communication sent to the council in its name.

Time Demands/Compression

There is little the CCT can do to impact this problem except,

Perhaps come up with a plan to communicating the importance of the work with the intent of bringing more volunteers into the process. Once people how much some of this work relates to their business of social goals, they should be ready to give some time. Was such a plan considered? If rejected, why was it rejected?

thanks for the tought provoking report.


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