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[gnso-osc] OSC Letter to CCT -- Draft v5

  • To: <gnso-osc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc] OSC Letter to CCT -- Draft v5
  • From: "Ken Bour" <ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 07 Dec 2009 14:37:42 -0500

OSC Members:


Chuck, Liz, and I had a brief teleconference today and discussed a way
forward as to paragraph 4(a).  The following language is proposed as a
replacement and a clean version (Draft v5) is attached.

a)      Executive Summary Recommendations (last bullet point) and 2.5.7
Degradation in Civility 

Recommendation:  "Encourage the understanding of opposing perspectives,
while maintaining a spirit of cooperation and civility" 

Comment:  Several OSC members had differing thoughts and opinions about this
recommendation; however, the OSC was unable to reach consensus on a single
position.  For additional information, the CCT is encouraged to consult the
OSC email archive at http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-osc/index.html
between the dates of 1 November through 7 December 2009.



Ken Bour

Attachment: OSC Summary Comments (DRAFT v5 CLEAN)- CCT Final Recommendations.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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