[gnso-osc] FW: FOR ADOPTION May 15 - GCOT Ops Section 2.1 term limits
Reminder _____ From: Philip Sheppard [mailto:philip.sheppard@xxxxxx] Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 10:29 AM To: 'gnso-osc@xxxxxxxxx' Subject: FOR ADOPTION May 15 - GCOT Ops Section 2.1 term limits Dear OSC members, FOR REVIEW AND ADOPTION by May 15 Please find attached a revised Section 2.1 of the GNSO operating manual covering term-limits for Council members. The proposal from GCOT seems sound and the high voting thresholds for exceptions are consistent with thresholds for other issues. I propose until May 15 for your approvals or other comments. Philip Attachment:
GCOT ops section 2.1 term limits 4-2010.doc