[gnso-osc] FOR ADOPTION GCOT Ops Section 4 - voting
Further to the dialogue on section 4 of the GNSO operating procedures on voting, may I assume outstanding issues of the OSC are resolved with the text clarification proposed by GCOT chair Ray? I attach an amended section 4 with the new text highlighted. The relevant text now reads: "A Councillor abstaining on a vote, if present at the meeting, does count in quorum calculations; however, the existence of a proxy does not count towards quorum for any action of the GNSO Council". I will assume the OSC is ready to approve sections 3.8 and 4 by a new deadline of June 14 unless I hear to the contrary. Due to the proximity of the OSC Brussels meeting (June 19) we will formally adopt these sections at that meeting. Philip Attachment:
GCOT ops section 4 Voting 5-2010 v3.doc