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[gnso-pednr-dt] REMINDER Please participate - PEDNR WG Survey

  • To: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>, PEDNR <gnso-pednr-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-pednr-dt] REMINDER Please participate - PEDNR WG Survey
  • From: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 06:30:17 -0800

As there is no call next week, the deadline for participation has been extended 
to Friday 5 March. So far, responses have been received from Michele Neylon, 
James Bladel, Jeffrey Eckhaus, Tatiana Khramtsova, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Alan 
Greenberg, Berry Cobb, Glenn McKnight, Mikey O'Connor, Paul Diaz, Mason Cole 
and Mike Rodenbaugh.

Thanks for your participation,


On 23/02/10 09:58, "Marika Konings" <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

For your information, complete responses have already been received from 
Michele Neylon, James Bladel, Jeffrey Eckhaus, Tatiana Khramtsova, Alan 
Greenberg and Berry Cobb.

I noticed that a number of partial responses have been logged, but please note 
that only complete responses are recorded in the final results of the survey. 
Make sure to go through the whole survey until you get to the last ‘thank you’ 
page – this is the only way to ensure that your survey is complete. If you 
continue having difficulties completing the survey, please feel free to 
complete the word version posted on the wiki and send it back to me so I can 
manually enter the results.

Best regards,


On 22/02/10 11:48, "Marika Konings" <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear All,

The PEDNR WG Survey is now open. As discussed, this survey is intended for the 
members of the PEDNR WG as a way to assess the views of the members, determine 
where there might be agreement or consensus on a possible approach forward and 
identify those areas where opinions are far apart. This is not a voting 
mechanism or a ‘majority decides’ tool; this is just an attempt to move the 
discussion forward and hopefully come to a clearer understanding of where the 
group might be able to develop consensus recommendations and where this might 
not be possible and/or further discussion is required.

To participate in the survey, go to 

Please complete the survey by Monday 1 March at the latest.



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