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[gnso-pednr-dt] Your feedback requested - outstanding items from last week's call

  • To: PEDNR <gnso-pednr-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-pednr-dt] Your feedback requested - outstanding items from last week's call
  • From: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2011 01:03:47 -0800

Dear All,

In order to facilitate discussion and input prior to our meeting, also for 
those not being able to join today's call, please find below the main 
outstanding items based on last week's meeting:

 *   Recommendation #1 - All unsponsored gTLD Registries shall offer the 
Redemption Grace Period (RGP). For currently existing gTLDs that do not 
currently offer the RGP, a transition period shall be allowed. All new gTLDs 
must offer the RGP.

For discussion:  Should there be an exemption for TLDs that do not sell domains 
at all (what has been referred to in the VI WG as SRSU)?

 *   Recommendation #2 - Define Registered Name Holder at Expiration” (RNHaE) 
as the Registered Name Holder of record just prior to the Expiration of the 
Registered Name.

Comments: The language needs to be precise regarding which registrant is being 
referred to. Presumably the one that is in WHOIS prior to Expiration. (Any 
suggestions for further improvement?)

 *   Recommendation #3 - Following expiration, during Autorenew Grace Period, 
if a Registrar Deletes a Registered Name and that Registered Name enters the 
RGP, the Registrar must allow the Registered Name Holder at Expiration to 
redeem the Registered Name. This is regardless of any changes made to Whois 
data or other records between expiration of the domain and entering RGP.  This 
is excepted where the Registrant has explicitly agreed to a reassignment of the 
domain, in a separate unilateral action at the time of reassignment, name to 
another Registered Name Holder.

Comments: Michael Young to provide further information. The WG also discussed 
that the recommendation should specify what the authoritative source for the 
information on the Registered Name Holder at expiration should be e.g. as shown 
in WHOIS. (WG members encouraged to provide alternative language for 

 *   Recommendation #6 - The price charged for post-expiration renewal during 
the [guaranteed renewal period] must be explicitly stated in the current 
registration agreement or on the Registrar's web site (if any). This price must 
also be provided to the Registered Name Holder at expiration at the time of 
registration and when pre-and post-expiration renewal notices are provided.

There is no requirement that the price remains constant during the entire 
post-expiration period, but if it varies over time, that variation must be 
included in the above disclosures. The price may notvary based on any perceived 
or measured value beyond the “face” value of the Registered Name.

Comment: Some suggested that the recommendation should capture better that the 
focus is on disclosure and not limiting pricing. (WG members encouraged to 
provide alternative language for consideration)

 *   Recommendation #10 - The registration agreement and registrar web site (if 
one is used) must clearlyindicate what methods will be used to deliver pre- and 
post-expiration notifications.

Comments: Some expressed concern that this recommendation could be interpreted 
in an overly narrow sense i.e. bind the registrar to the methods specified at 
the time of registration, but it was pointed out that the registrar could 
modify its methods at any time as long as the registrant would be notified of 
such changes. Wording to reflect this requested.

Please feel free to share your comments, suggestions and/or proposed edits with 
the mailing list.

With best regards,


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