[gnso-policyimpl-dt] Final version of the charter
Dear All, Per Holly's email, please find attached the final version of the charter both in redline as well as clean format. Please use this version for your review, as the previous version circulated by Holly was based on an older version of the charter and didn't incorporate all of the recently agreed changes. I believe this version now incorporates all the agreed upon changes, however, should there be anything missing, please let the list know at the latest by close of business today 3 July. I'll then get the latest version of the charter as well as the motion over to Wolf so these can get submitted to the GNSO Council in time for the 7 July deadline. With best regards, Marika Attachment:
Policy Implementation WG - Charter - Final 3 July 2013.doc Attachment:
Policy Implementation WG - Charter redline - Final 3 July 2013.doc Attachment: