[gnso-policyimpl-wg] FW: Draft call for sub-team volunteers message
Dear All, Now that the working definitions and working principles have (nearly) completed their work, it is time to start looking ahead and focus on the next stage of our work plan. As you may recall, it was proposed that the next phase of work would focus on the charter questions by forming three sub-teams that would work in parallel in deliberating and developing initial recommendations for the full WG to review. To refresh your memories about the task and expected deliveries for each of these sub-teams, please find an overview attached. In order to determine whether this approach is still viable and the most efficient way for the WG to make headway on the charter questions, you are invited to indicate your interest to volunteer for one or more of these sub-teams. We have observed a recent drop in attendance of the WG meetings, but we are hoping this is due to the pre-ICANN meeting workload and not a sign of reduced interest. Please note that it is the expectation that each sub-team would at a minimum meet every two weeks (in addition to the full WG meeting every two weeks). The WG is expected to review the feedback received and composition of sub-teams at its F2F meeting in Singapore to decide how to proceed. Please indicate off-list to Marika (marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx), which sub-team you would like to volunteer for: * Sub team I (Develop criteria to determine when an issue, once identified as "policy", may be appropriately addressed outside a formal PDP (e.g. Through Policy Guidance) & Develop a process for addressing such issues outside the formal PDP) * Sub Team II - III (Develop criteria to determine when an action should be addressed through a policy process (whether through a PDP or as Policy Guidance) and when it should be considered implementation & Develop a framework for discussing implementation issues associated with GNSO policy recommendations) * Sub-Team IV (Develop more explicit guidelines as to how GNSO Implementation Review Teams (as defined in the GNSO PDP Manual) should function and operate) Thanks, Chuck & J. Scott Attachment:
Sub Team Task Breakdown.docx Attachment: