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[gnso-policyimpl-wg] Attendance and Recording Policy and Implementation WG meeting - 30th April 2014

  • To: "gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-policyimpl-wg] Attendance and Recording Policy and Implementation WG meeting - 30th April 2014
  • From: Nathalie Peregrine <nathalie.peregrine@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 2 May 2014 00:51:09 -0700

Dear All,


The next Policy and Implementation Working Group teleconference is scheduled
for  the Wednesday 07th May 2014 at 1900 UTC for 1,5 hrs.


Please find the MP3 recording for the Policy and Implementation Working
group call held on Wednesday 30th April 2014 at 19:00 UTC at:




On page: 

<http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#may> apr



The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master
Calendar page:




Greg Shatan - IPC

Wolf Knoben - ISPCP

Chuck Gomes - RySG

Alan Greenberg - ALAC

Klaus Stoll - NPOC

Michael Graham - IPC

J.Scott Evans - BC

Olevie Kouami - NPOC

Nic Steinbach - RrSG

Tom Barrett - RrSG

James Bladel - RrSG

Brian Winterfeldt - IPC

Philip Karnofsky - Individual

Phil Marano - IPC



Amr Elsadr - NCUC

Cheryl Langdon-Orr - At-Large


ICANN staff:

Marika Konings 

Mary Wong

Amy Bivins

Nathalie Peregrine


** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **



 Wiki page: https://community.icann.org/x/y1V-Ag 


Thank you.

Kind regards,

Nathalie Peregrine

For GNSO Secretariat


Adobe Chat Transcript for Wednesday 30th April:

    Marika Konings:Welcome to the PI WG Meeting of 30 April 2014

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Dear all, please note that we have changed telecom
provider for this session and the following sessions. Please check the
latest email invitation in your inbox, or alternatively, ask me for the new
dial in numbers here. Audio passcode remains the same.

  J. Scott Evans:dialing in now

  Bladel:I'm Adobe only for a few minutes.

  Bladel:Will dial in as soon as I can?

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Michael Graham has joined the audio bridge

  Nic Steinbach:sounds good to me

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Michael is on the phone

  Nathalie  Peregrine:ALSO in the AC room

  Michael Graham:I'm not able to speak.  I will look at the terms to be sure
once I arrive destination.

  Marika Konings:Implement, implementation and implementation of a GNSO
policy are part of the working definitions document

  Bladel:in the plan itself.

  Marika Konings:Staff cannot make changes to the policy

  Michael Graham:I don't believe "GNSO implementation guidance" was defined
-- it would be valuable to do so in light of its significance in the

  Tom Barrett - EnCirca:then replace development with translation

  Tom Barrett - EnCirca:well put

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Brian Winterfeldt has joined

  Chuck Gomes:Should we send this back to the small group to start from
scratch with d as James suggested?

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Phil Marano has joined the call

  Michael Graham:I would adopt Alan's statement verbatim here.

  Tom Barrett - EnCirca:proposed more general principle

  Tom Barrett - EnCirca:a.              In all cases, changes that effect
the implementation guidance, intent of any policy recommendations as adopted
by the GNSO Council must be communicated to the GNSO Council or appropriate
entity as designated by the GNSO Council, which maintains the right to
review the changes, determine whether or not they are supported by the
intent of the policy recommendations, and modify the implementation plan

  Alan Greenberg:To capture what I said (or think I said), The Gnso or the
body it designated has the right and responsibility to ensure that the
implementation of a GNSO Policy recommendation tracks both the
recomendation(s) and the intent of those recomendations.

  Marika Konings:@Tom - just to clarify, did you want to add material or

  Chuck Gomes:What is meant by 'implementation guidance'?

  Marika Konings:@Chuck - a WG may include in its Final Report suggestions
on how something may be implemented. That is what we would consider
implementation guidance.

  Chuck Gomes:Thanks Marika.

  Tom Barrett - EnCirca:why not just re-use the wording from section (c)?

  Marika Konings:Maybe the nuance between c and d is to detailed for this
high level principles document?

  Tom Barrett - EnCirca:section d should not be mentionng terms that not
mentioned in section c

  Marika Konings:because I think c refers to instances where there is an
implementation plan, while d refers to the translation of the policy
recommendations into an implementation plan

  Alan Greenberg:I think we are getting ourselves buried deeper and
deeper.in the mud.

  Marika Konings:I think Tom's proposed language could easily replace c and
d as a high level principle in my view

  Mary Wong:If it helps, this is from last week's transcript; hopefully this
is what we are asking James to recall? all material changes, I think, as
opposed to any, you know, administrative or basically ensuring that there
are -- that all changes that are, you know, determined to be material, must
be communicated to the GNSO Council, which maintains the right to review the
changes, determine whether or not they are supported by the intent of policy
recommendations and modified implementation accordingly. "

  Mary Wong:nd "So my thinking is, rather than trying to design separate
layers for material, versus immaterial, or whatever, we just say essentially
that changes need to be communicated. The GNSO, or whatever the chartering
entity is, has the reason to determine whether or not those are in line or
even keeping with the intent of the policy, and can make modifications to
the implementation of the policy. And I think that's really, in three
sentences, what we are trying to accomplish with these bullet points. "

  Marika Konings:@Greg, but isn't that captured in the wording suggested by

  Marika Konings:so whenever the Council considers that it effects the
implementation guidance or intent, they can challenge

  Marika Konings:OK, I get what you are saying - but likely that will be the
job of the IRT to flag to the Council?

  Chuck Gomes:What if we said "for all such cases"?

  Chuck Gomes:"For all such cases changes should be . . . "

  Marika Konings:@Greg - but that is what is happening in practice for
current IRTs

  Marika Konings:and in addition to the IRT, implementation plans are also
posted for public comment

  Marika Konings:@Alan - agreed! 

  Bladel:Disagree with that point.  

  Bladel:It has been a significant problem.

  Marika Konings:we do need to come up with a mechanism for when it might be
a problem, but a lot of progress has been made in relation to the use of

  Marika Konings:but again, that is for the detailed deliberations, not the
high level principles ;-)

  Alan Greenberg:These are supposed to be PRINCIPLES, not a detailed
operational plan.

  Michael R. Graham:Agree with Alan:  General Principle = changes should be
reported to GNSO, which may review and take appropriate action.

  Bladel:No, those have also been a problem.

  Marika Konings:@James - can you be more specific?

  Bladel:Implementation of the TMCH.  PEDNR/ERRP.  RAA did not have a formal
IRT, but the implementation concerns of Registrars were disregarded.

  Marika Konings:TMCH did not have an IRT (or at least not an IRT as defined
in the PDP manual)

  Marika Konings:RAA was not the result of a PDP

  Greg Shatan:I've just sent a crude workflow document by email to the

  Michael R. Graham:The appropriateness and possible design of IRTs is one
of the substantive issues of the PIWG, no?

  Tom Barrett - EnCirca:its a difference of being proactive vs reactive

  Greg Shatan:@Alan, changes is a bad word it's really "translations and

  Tom Barrett - EnCirca:the issue os not about the gnso but about staff

  Greg Shatan:Agree with Alan's escalation

  Marika Konings:@Michael - yes, ' Further guidance on how GNSO
Implementation Review Teams, as defined in the PDP Manual, are expected to
function and operate'


  Tom Barrett - EnCirca:we think we need to separate what we want staff to
do vs what we want the gnso to do.

  Tom Barrett - EnCirca:this princupe is referring to what we want staff to

  Michael R. Graham:I would simplify and generalize (d) to be a principle
per either Alan or Tom proposals.


  Tom Barrett - EnCirca:grammatically, changes should refer to the
guidance...not the plan

  Michael R. Graham:Re: Right side language:  Should "intent of" be "intent

  Tom Barrett - EnCirca:sure..or "intent of, or"

  Bladel: will also volunteer

  Alan Greenberg:Since we seem to be just about over, I will go over to my
other call.


  Bladel:Thanks, J. Scott.

  Chuck Gomes:thanks J. SScott

  Michael R. Graham:Than\ks all!

  Phil Marano:Thank you.




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