[gnso-policyimpl-wg] Attendance and Recording Policy and Implementation WG meeting - 06 August 2014
Dear All, The next Policy and Implementation Working Group teleconference is scheduled next week on Wednesday 13th August at 19:00 UTC for 1 hour. Please find the MP3 recording for the Policy and Implementation Working group call held on Wednesday 06 August 2014 at 19:00 UTC at: <http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-policy-implementation-20140806en.mp3> http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-policy-implementation-20140806en.mp3 On page: <http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#aug> http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#aug The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page: <http://gnso.icann.org/calendar/> http://gnso.icann.org/calendar/ Attendees: Cheryl Langdon-Orr - At-Large Olevie Kouami - NPOC Chuck Gomes - RySG Greg Shatan-IPC Jonathan Frost-RySG J Scott Evans - BC Klaus Stoll-NPOC Avri Doria-NCSG Amr Elsadr-NCUC Alan Greenberg-ALAC Apologies: Michael Graham - IPC ICANN staff: Marika Konings Mary Wong Amy Bivins Steve Chan Terri Agnew ** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list ** Wiki page: <https://community.icann.org/x/y1V-Ag> https://community.icann.org/x/y1V-Ag Thank you. Kind regards, Terri Agnew For GNSO Secretariat Adobe Chat Transcript for Wednesday 06 August Marika Konings:Welcome to the Policy & Implementation Working Group Meeting of 6 August 2014 Klaus Stoll:Hi Terry Klaus Stoll:Bit early, clocks on the beach are early Terri Agnew:Welcome Klaus, not a problem. How fun, joining from beach Klaus Stoll:Outer Banks, not a bad spot Jonathan Frost:Good afternoon folks J. Scott Evans:I am dialing in now J. Scott Evans:I swear I am on my way. I had old dial in. :-( Chuck Gomes:Waiting for operator Greg Shatan:Waiting to get in. 3:33 and counting. Terri Agnew:I am working with operator Amr Elsadr:Summer holidays n all. :) Mary Wong:Hi Terri - did we ever figure out what the audio/mic problems that Don and Volker had at the end of the PPSAI call yesterday? J. Scott Evans:I am on hold too Mary Wong:(oops sorry all - that was meant for Terri!) J. Scott Evans:I apologize to the group for the delay Greg Shatan:Thank you. 5:20. Chuck Gomes:Got in. 4 minutes. Terri Agnew:Apologies for the delay today. We are working with telephone Vendor on this Terri Agnew:Welcome Alan Greenberg Alan Greenberg:Be on the bridge in a moment Alan Greenberg:listening though Avri Doria:voting threshhold means someting other than 50%+? Alan Greenberg:Very slow... Avri Doria:or are we saying we can start these without a vote at all? Avri Doria:ok, got it. Amr Elsadr:I had Avri's same question. Are we discussing no threshold of voting (>50%) vs. with a threshold (like 2/3 of council)? Alan Greenberg:3 minutes and waiting. Avri Doria:i think Marika explained, without vote. but is one person objecting enough to stop it? Chuck Gomes:@ Alan: It took 4 minutes for me. Alan Greenberg:In now. Amr Elsadr:Thanks Marika. I thought J. Scott was also asking about Policy Guidance. Avri Doria:voting=bureacracy? Mary Wong:@Avri, a vote will also involve scheduling one, time passage etc. That's one reason why we thought PGP might need one but PIP (more nimble) might not. Amr Elsadr:Thanks Marika. Avri Doria:So as long as someone wants a PIP they get a PIP? Marika Konings:No objection is what was suggested Marika Konings:like it has been done for previous input efforts such as ATRT2, Whois RT Avri Doria:ok, so as long as one person doesn't want a pip there is no PIP? Marika Konings:I think that is how it has been - if someone objects to a small group coming together to prepare a possible draft for consideration, such an effort would not take off (or the person might reserve the right to object once he/she would see the outcome?) Chuck Gomes:The Council is not the only voice for the GNSO. Alan Greenberg:What other single voice does it have? Chuck Gomes:SGs and constituencies may communicate independent of the Council. Amr Elsadr:The GNSO Council Chair is also the Chair of the GNSO. Chuck Gomes:@ Amr: I do not think that is correct. Amr Elsadr:Not the Vice Chairs though. Alan Greenberg:Yes, but the COuncil is the instrument to merge those individual positions into a single one (perhaps not agreed to by all). Amr Elsadr:@Chuck: Hehe. It is. It's in the by-laws!! Chuck Gomes:Where? Amr Elsadr:Hold on. I'll look it up. Chuck Gomes:Thanks Alan Greenberg:section 7 of the gnso section:The GNSO Council shall select the GNSO Chair .... Marika Konings:Amr is correct, the Bylaws do say the GNSO Chair... Avri Doria:and that is a significant statement Mary Wong:As does the GNSO Operating Procedures mostly. Amr Elsadr:@Chuck: Article X, Section 3, #7. The Chair is referred to as the GNSO Chair, while the Vice Chairs are referred to as the GNSO Council Vice Chairs. Avri Doria:but of course, as in London, the SG/C can gather together and make statements if they wish Amr Elsadr:https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/bylaws-2012-02-25-en#X Chuck Gomes:Ask any SG or constituency what role the Chair has over their business. Avri Doria:ours, in NCSg, is a god we listen to. Cheryl Langdon-Orr:sorry I am so quite today I am in two calls and AC rooms at the same damn time :-( Avri Doria:CLO, no need to apologize for being quiet Chuck Gomes:@ Amr: If you are referring to Section 8, note that it about the Council. Amr Elsadr:Article X, Section 3, #7. The Chair is referred to as the GNSO Chair, while the Vice Chairs are referred to as the GNSO Council Vice Chairs. Avri Doria:but the chair elected by the council is the chair of the GNSO. this indicates the function of the council to repesent the SG/Cs Amr Elsadr:@Avri: That's the way I read it. As opposed to the Vice Chairs who are elected by the two "Houses". Chuck Gomes:I meant Section 3, not 8. Section 3 is about the Council. Avri Doria:the council of the gnso. Avri Doria:it is not ssomething other than of the GNSO and we arepresentative of our SG/C. Marika Konings:You could consider supermajority vote - and then the input could be considered the consensus view of the Council (noting that there could be a minority view provided) Amr Elsadr:@Chuck: Yes..., that's true. However, the language in Section 3, #7 suggests a difference between the roles of the Chair and Vice Chairs. It's repeated, so unlikely to be a typo or anything. Amr Elsadr:BTW..., I only brought it up as a response to the earlier question of who can represent the GNSO. Although I'm not necessarily in favor of the Chair representing the GNSO without some sort of process empowering him/her to do so. Marika Konings:The Council has at times also responded that it was not going to be or wanted to provide input Alan Greenberg:MArika, correct. And at times it has explicitly said it is divided. Marika Konings:I like that suggestion, Avri, if there is objection, then a vote would need to take place Cheryl Langdon-Orr:works for me @avri Alan Greenberg:And presumably a simple majority is sufficient. Chuck Gomes:A new question: If a vote is requested, does it require a motion? Chuck Gomes:Thanks Marika. Marika Konings:We will update the charts with some of the agreements of today's meeting Amr Elsadr:Marika..., was that a question for me?? Marika Konings:It was more for Alan, but if you have an answer, feel free to share as well ;-) Amr Elsadr:Ah. Sorry. I thought you said it was a question for me. :) Chuck Gomes:@ Avri: Are you saying that the IGO-INGO PDP should be started over? Marika Konings:@Avri - feel free to suggest another name / accronym ;-) Amr Elsadr:Alan's got a point. This, I believe, is explicitly described in this WG's charter. Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yup go with Marika's option please Amr Elsadr:@CLO: +1 Marika Konings:The default vote is simple majority Marika Konings:I think it is defined somewhere, but I'll look it up and send it to the list (or update if it isn't) Marika Konings:Just checked, it is indeed simple majority of each house - will update that in the next iteration Amr Elsadr::) Greg Shatan:4.2 Voting Thresholds: Unless otherwise specified in these procedures or in the ICANN Bylaws, to pass a motion or other action, greater than 50% of the eligible voters in each House must cast affirmative votes. Marika Konings:Except as otherwise specified in these Bylaws, Annex A hereto, or the GNSO Operating Procedures, the default threshold to pass a GNSO Council motion or other voting action requires a simple majority vote of each House. Attachment:
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