[gnso-policyimpl-wg] Attendance and Recording Policy and Implementation WG meeting - 03 December 2014
Dear All, The next Policy and Implementation Working Group teleconference is scheduled next week on Wednesday 10 December at 20:00 UTC for 1 hour. Please find the MP3 recording for the Policy and Implementation Working group call held on Wednesday 03 December 2014 at 20:00 UTC at: <http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-policy-implementation-20141203-en.mp3> http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-policy-implementation-20141203-en.mp3 On page: <http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#dec> http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#dec The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page: <http://gnso.icann.org/calendar/> http://gnso.icann.org/calendar/ Attendees: Cheryl Langdon-Orr - At-Large Anne Aikman-Scalese - IPC Tom Barrett - RrSG Amr Elsadr - NCUC Chuck Gomes - RySG Greg Shatan - IPC Olevie Kouami - NPOC Michael Graham - IPC Alan Greenberg-ALAC Apologies: J.Scott Evans - BC Stephanie Perrin - NCUC ICANN staff: Mary Wong Marika Konings Amy Bivins Karen Lentz Glen de Saint Gery Steve Chan Terri Agnew ** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list ** Wiki page: <https://community.icann.org/x/y1V-Ag> https://community.icann.org/x/y1V-Ag Thank you. Kind regards, Terri Agnew Adobe Chat Transcript for Wednesday 03 December 2014 Nathalie Peregrine:Welcome to the Policy & Implementation Working Group Meeting of 03 December 2014 Greg Shatan:Hello, all! Amr Elsadr:Hi all. Chuck Gomes:Hello Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Hi all Greg Shatan:Chuck, still using black as your text color? That's so 5 minutes ago! Cheryl Langdon-Orr::-) Chuck Gomes:Where do I control the color? Greg Shatan:To change chat color, go to the bar at the top of the chat section (where it says "Chat (Everyone)), go to the far right of that bar and left-click on the box (the words "Pod Options" will show up when you mouse over it). Then mouse down to the "My Chat Color" entry, which will bring up a menu with different colors.. Mouse down to your desired color and left click.. Your color will then change when your text is entered into the chat. Marika Konings:This version includes the comments received from Chuck and Olevie Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Problem is Greg has already "taken" my favourite colour choice ;-) Amr Elsadr:Thanks Greg!! Greg Shatan:Green with envy, Cheryl? Greg Shatan:@Amr, my pleasure. Amr Elsadr:I was asking for a comparison with a non-PDP WG. Cheryl Langdon-Orr:smaller group approach YES Mary Wong:@Amr, under this process a WG may not even be needed or appropriate for that particular Input process. Amr Elsadr:Although I suppose the council could decide to not follow the GNSO WG guidelines, right? Mary Wong:Correct Cheryl Langdon-Orr:One wonders why they would @Amr Mary Wong:For instance, if a small group of volunteers is the most appropriate "format" to draft a letter in response to a Board request for GNSO input on a non-gTLD issue. Amr Elsadr:@Mary: Yes. I'm seeing that. Thnx. :) Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Examples WOULD be helpful Cheryl Langdon-Orr:You Cheeky to me ??? Never Chuck !! Marika Konings:@Amr - could you provide that language again so I can add it? Amr Elsadr:When the GNSO is requested to provide advice by the ICANN board or any other AC or SO that does not involve gTLD policy. Mary Wong:@Amr, how does what we have in the Notes look? Amr Elsadr:Looks good Mary. Thanks. :) Mary Wong:Thank YOU :) Mary Wong:@Amr, we've changed it slightly based on this point that's just been raised. Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Sorry Guys Mute unmute confusion, Could have been wors I guess as I get my husband out of bed and startuing his first day home after shoulder reconstruction this week ;-( Amr Elsadr:@Mary: Still looks good to me. :) Amr Elsadr:Anne's point makes sense to me, but I am trying to think about how gTLD policy may or may not be "consensus policy". Amr Elsadr:Are there examples of gTLD policy that are NOT "consensus policy"? Terri Agnew:Welcome Michael Graham Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I agree with @Marika here the MAY will work and allow the required (IMO) 'flexibility' Cheryl Langdon-Orr:That is how I understand it @Chuck YES Mary Wong:The GNSO adopts policies by consensus, but that's not the same thing as Consensus Policy binding on all contracted parties. Amr Elsadr:@Chuck: Yes. Thanks. Anne Aikman-Scalese:Sorry my call dropped but I am now in Adobe and on the call. Karen Lentz:Thanks -- I don't have anything to add on that point Amy Bivins:Thanks--nothing to add, either! Tom Barrett - EnCirca:re #3...how about inclkuding the requestor's affiliation? Amr Elsadr:I'm fine with a councillor being required to submit the initiation request. It could be attached to a motion? Marika Konings:Anyone can make a request to the Council, but it is up to the Council to decide whether or not to use this process or not. Amr Elsadr:@Marika: +1 Amr Elsadr:Agree with Marika on her rationale. Terri Agnew:Alan Greenberg has joined Alan Greenberg:My apologies. I was working on something else and hadn't noticed the time! Anne Aikman-Scalese:Distinguish between "request" which comes first and "initiation" which comes after the GSNO votes to initiate Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Understand @Marikas rational and agree but ALSO agree with the 2 sections aproach outlined now by @chuck... outlining process etc., for a IP => GIP Amr Elsadr:@Cheryl: +1 Cheryl Langdon-Orr:should read RIP=> GIP ;-) damn computer censored me ;-) Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I wiould use liong for Request for Input (Process) BTW Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Exactly @Anne ++ Marika Konings:@Anne - I'll send out a revised version after this meeting and will look forward to receiving your suggestions on how to further clarify this. Marika Konings:@ Anne - I have already updated the heading per Chuck's suggestion Marika Konings:@Anne - all those groups have staff support Marika Konings:and we work closely with our colleagues supporting those other groups Amr Elsadr:@Anne: Not seeing what the trouble with staff support is. Could you please clarify this? Anne Aikman-Scalese:May not be a problem if request for input does not have to have all the bullet point elements. May not be needed by requestor. Amr Elsadr:Agree with Marika again. Amr Elsadr:Associating a formal process to request input from outside the GNSO would indicate that the board/GAC/etc are requiring input using a GIP. Anne Aikman-Scalese:Intent is opposite. WE want to make it easy for others to request GNSO input. Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Indeed @anne, so I think Tom's approach re material / section in the Intro is so important... Amr Elsadr:My point is that other groups should be free to request input in any form they wish. It is then up to the GNSO council to decide what process would be used to develop the input by the GNSO. Marika Konings:Exactly Amr Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Of course @alan we are trying for flexability AND predictability in Processes Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Agre @Amr Alan Greenberg:Chuck see pulldown at the right of CHAT heading. Chuck Gomes:Thanks Amr Elsadr:Nice color Chuck. :) Karen Lentz:so impressive Anne Aikman-Scalese:@Marika, could you please look at my written comments previously provided? Marika Konings:@Anne - you provided comments on the guidance process Marika Konings:I have not seen any comments from you on this one (this one was first circulated last week) Anne Aikman-Scalese:I am sure I commened on "recommended" versus "Must" "at a minimum" - same comment here Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Thanks all This has been an imprtant discussion... We are I beleive deffinatly building a better 'model... Bye all talk on the 10th and on list ... Alan Greenberg:We should certainly publicize what we EXPECT! Karen Lentz:thank you all Anne Aikman-Scalese:Thanks you everyoen Amr Elsadr:Thanks all. Bye. Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye Attachment:
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