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Re: [gnso-policyimpl-wg] RE: Agenda and documents for WG call on Wednesday 22 April
- To: Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [gnso-policyimpl-wg] RE: Agenda and documents for WG call on Wednesday 22 April
- From: Olévié Kouami <olivierkouami@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2015 05:49:27 +0000
+1 to be followed up today ...
Cheers !
-Olévié from Lomé / Togo-
NB : I'm back to my home & office..
2015-04-22 2:57 GMT+00:00 Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx>:
> I might be mistaken, but I do not believe that there is any rule
> dictating the order in which motions are addressed. I think that they are
> typically addressed based on the order of the agenda, and that is
> effectively an arbitrary decision of the Chair.
> Alan
> At 21/04/2015 09:05 PM, Aikman-Scalese, Anne wrote:
> Chuck,
> I think Maryâ EURO (tm)s solution makes sense but I think we would likely
> need to
> say that that any motion requiring Supermajority has to be addressed
> first. I would also want to know whether competing motions can all be
> discussed first before votes are taken. Is that possible under GNSO
> Operating Procedures? It seems as though Council would need to have an
> open discussion on all the possible avenues to address an issue either (1)
> before motions are made or (2) before motions are voted on.
> Thank you,
> Anne
> [image: []]
> *Anne E. Aikman-Scalese, Of Counsel Lewis Roca Rothgerber LLP | One South
> Church Avenue Suite 700 | Tucson, Arizona 85701-1611 (T) 520.629.4428
> <520.629.4428> | (F) 520.879.4725 <520.879.4725> AAikman@xxxxxxxxxx
> <AAikman@xxxxxxxxxx> | www.LRRLaw.com <http://www.lrrlaw.com/> *
> *From:* Gomes, Chuck [ mailto:cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 21, 2015 5:56 PM
> *To:* Aikman-Scalese, Anne; 'Mary Wong'; gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx
> *Subject:* RE: Agenda and documents for WG call on Wednesday 22 April
> Great feedback Anne. Thanks. Please see my responses below.
> Chuck
> *From:* owner-gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx [
> mailto:owner-gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx
> <owner-gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx>] *On Behalf Of *Aikman-Scalese, Anne
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 21, 2015 2:49 PM
> *To:* 'Mary Wong'; gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx
> *Subject:* [gnso-policyimpl-wg] RE: Agenda and documents for WG call on
> Wednesday 22 April
> Thanks Mary, Chuck et al.
> I am sorry I had to miss last weekâ EURO (tm)s call without notice to the
> group.
> I did listen to the mp3 on Saturday. A few comments from my perspective:
> 1. Regarding â EURO oehierarchyâ EURO or â EURO oepriority of
> consideration of GNSO
> input methods during the implementation phaseâ EURO , it does seem to me that
> any action requiring a Supermajority vote would have to be considered
> first. For example, it has been suggested by some commenters (including
> IPC) that the ICANN Board should be able to initiate a GGP unless a
> SuperMajority of the GNSO Council votes against doing so. I think the
> underlying assumption behind this suggestion is that a GGP may take less
> time than an EPDP and that a SuperMajority vote against would signal either
> (1) this topic was already covered by the previous PDP and the Board should
> not ignore that recommendation or (2) the GNSO Council believes the issue
> requires an EPDP or a brand new PDP. I also think that if EPDP requires
> Supermajority and there is a motion on the table for EPDP, that has to be
> considered before any motion that does not require Supermajority.
> *[Chuck Gomes] Are you supportive of the solution that Mary proposed for
> this after our meeting last week? *
> 2. With respect to Alanâ EURO (tm)s concern regarding the timing it
> takes to
> work through each of the three processes, I would have to agree with
> Gregâ EURO (tm)s comment that the most rapid process has been shown to be
> â EURO oeprivate deal on the sideâ EURO and that we are all trying to avoid
> that. I
> am mindful of the fact that our WG started in part due to a letter Jeff
> Neustar initiated that came from Council and advised the ICANN Board that
> if they intend to take new action or a new issue related to a matter as to
> which GNSO has previously provided policy recommendations, they should come
> back to the GSNO Council with that issue. (Is my recollection correct?
> Was it IOC/RC or something else?)
> *[Chuck Gomes] I was involved in the IOC/RC but am not sure it was that
> one. It certainly happened with new gTLDs. *
> 3. So I think we have to accept that there are aspects of these new
> processes that MIGHT take longer than side deals. However, it is not true
> in my opinion that this can normally be cured by taking longer to address
> the issues in the original PDP because much of what we are talking about
> has to do with issues that arise during implementation that may have policy
> implications and the issues are not necessarily known at the time of the
> PDP. They may arise due to late input (e.g. from the GAC advice) or
> late-breaking facts (e.g. name collision not fully understood until
> implementation). As a group, we decided that it is fruitless to
> characterize these issues as either policy or implementation during the
> implementation phase. Rather, we said, letâ EURO (tm)s develop mechanisms to
> deal
> with GNSO input when issues arise during the implementation phase.
> *[Chuck Gomes] Agreed. *
> 4. While I think it is helpful to look at how long previous
> processes took from an historical point of view, I tend to agree with Mary
> that it is not that helpful to project how long each of the new processes
> should take. Was it Picasso who said, â EURO oeYou donâ EURO (tm)t know what
> you are
> going to paint until you start paintingâ EURO (or something like that.) The
> time it takes for each process may vary greatly depending on the issue
> involved. The notion of â EURO oePilot Projectâ EURO makes more sense to me
> in this
> regard than â EURO oestress testing.â EURO So here we attempt to institute
> mechanisms which are entirely voluntary with the Council and constitute
> â EURO oetoolsâ EURO for their use. The tools are being recommended in order
> to try
> to eliminate ad hoc side deals and standardize processes for GNSO Council
> input in the implementation phase when issues arise that may be of concern
> to the GNSO and/or the community generally. If used, the tools will
> arguably increase trust and efficiency within the policy-making process.
> If they do not accomplish these goals, they will be thrown out or die a
> slow death by neglect.
> *[Chuck Gomes] Well said. *
> Anne
> [image: []]
> *Anne E. Aikman-Scalese, Of Counsel Lewis Roca Rothgerber LLP | One South
> Church Avenue Suite 700 | Tucson, Arizona 85701-1611 (T) 520.629.4428
> <520.629.4428> | (F) 520.879.4725 <520.879.4725> AAikman@xxxxxxxxxx
> <AAikman@xxxxxxxxxx> | www.LRRLaw.com <http://www.lrrlaw.com/> *
> *From:* owner-gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx [
> mailto:owner-gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx
> <owner-gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx>] *On Behalf Of *Mary Wong
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 21, 2015 10:16 AM
> *To:* gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx
> *Subject:* [gnso-policyimpl-wg] Agenda and documents for WG call on
> Wednesday 22 April
> Dear WG members,
> Here is the proposed agenda for our next call on Wednesday 22 April 2015:
> 1. Roll call / updates to SOI
> 2. Agree on approach for dealing with the â EURO oehierarchyâ EURO question
> regarding competing motions for initiating GNSO processes (contâ EURO
> (tm)d from
> previous discussions)
> 3. Continue review of public comments in item 5.5/5.6 and onward from
> 5.25 (see latest version of public comment review tool, attached)
> 4. Confirm next steps / next meeting
> Thanks and cheers
> Mary
> Mary Wong
> Senior Policy Director
> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN)
> Telephone: +1 603 574 4892
> Email: mary.wong@xxxxxxxxx
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Olévié Ayaovi Agbenyo KOUAMI
Responsable du Projet CERGI Education
Directeur-Adjoint de KT Technologies Informatiques sarl
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ICANN-NPOC Communications Committee Chair (http://www.icann.org/ et
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BP : 851 - Tél.: (228) 90 98 86 50 / (228) 98 43 27 72
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