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[gnso-policyimpl-wg] RE: Consensus Call for Final Policy & Implementation WG Recommendations
- To: "'Gomes, Chuck'" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, "gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [gnso-policyimpl-wg] RE: Consensus Call for Final Policy & Implementation WG Recommendations
- From: "Aikman-Scalese, Anne" <AAikman@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 18:18:14 +0000
I certainly support. Excellent work everyone and special kudos to Chuck and
Marika and Mary! Looking forward to the discussion at Council…
Anne E. Aikman-Scalese, Of Counsel
Lewis Roca Rothgerber LLP |
One South Church Avenue Suite 700 | Tucson, Arizona 85701-1611
(T) 520.629.4428 | (F) 520.879.4725
AAikman@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:AAikman@xxxxxxxxxx> |
From: owner-gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Gomes, Chuck
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 3:46 PM
To: gnso-policyimpl-wg@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gnso-policyimpl-wg] Consensus Call for Final Policy & Implementation
WG Recommendations
Importance: High
As co-chairs of the Policy & Implementation WG, J. Scott and I have reached the
following conclusions:
1. All of the public comments have been reviewed and discussed by the WG
and amendments made to the Initial Report as agreed to by the WG.
2. There have been no objections to the Final Report communicated on the
WG list since Marika sent the latest redline version of the Final Report to the
WG list on 21 May with a response deadline of Tuesday 26 May at 14.00 UTC.
3. There is full consensus of the WG on the Final Report as attached in
clean and redline versions, noting that the redline version highlights all
edits made to the Initial Report that was published for public comment in March
2015 (https://www.icann.org/public-comments/policy-implementation-2015-01-19-en
All WG participants have until 23:59 UTC on Friday, 29 May, 2015 to object to
the ‘full consensus’ call by the co-chairs. If anyone objects, please explain
your reasons. If no one objects in the allotted time, the report will be sent
by our Council Liaison Amr to the GNSO Council for their action along with a
draft motion for its approval.
If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask.
Thanks to everyone for helping us get to this point.
Chuck Gomes
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