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[gnso-ppsc-pdp] For review - draft report and recommendations for stage I and II

  • To: "Gnso-ppsc-pdp@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-ppsc-pdp@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-ppsc-pdp] For review - draft report and recommendations for stage I and II
  • From: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 11:23:14 -0800

Dear All,

As discussed on today's PDP-WT meeting, please find attached the draft report 
and recommendations for stage I and II. Please review this document and feel 
free to share your edits / comments on the mailing list.

With best regards,


Attachment: PDP-WT - Draft Conclusions and Recommendations Stage I and II - Updated 19 November 2009.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF Document

Attachment: PDP-WT - Draft Conclusions and Recommendations Stage I and II - Updated 19 November 2009.doc
Description: PDP-WT - Draft Conclusions and Recommendations Stage I and II - Updated 19 November 2009.doc

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