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[gnso-ppsc-pdp] Public Comment: Community Comment Invited on the Communications and Coordination Work Team (CCT) Final Consolidated Recommendations

  • To: "gnso-ppsc-pdp@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-ppsc-pdp@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-ppsc-pdp] Public Comment: Community Comment Invited on the Communications and Coordination Work Team (CCT) Final Consolidated Recommendations
  • From: Glen de Saint Géry <Glen@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 14:29:16 -0700

Please take the time to comment! Comments are open through to 13 May 2010.


Public Comment: Community Comment Invited on the Communications and 
Coordination Work Team (CCT) Final Consolidated Recommendations

23 April 2010

Pursuant to a Resolution passed by the GNSO Council at its meeting on 21 April 
2010, the community is invited to provide comments on a set of GNSO 
Improvements recommendations submitted by the Communications and Coordination 
Work Team (CCT) on 9 April 2010. The recommendations are part of the overall 
GNSO Improvements effort and are designed to help the GNSO Council and the GNSO 
Constituencies and Stakeholder Groups improve communications, cooperation and 
coordination among themselves and with other ICANN structures.


This report is the product of a cross-constituency Communications and 
Coordination Work Team (CCT) that was chartered by the GNSO's Operations 
Steering Committee (OSC) in March 2009 to review and recommend implementation 
proposals concerning certain sections of the Board Governance Committee's GNSO 
Review Working Group Report on GNSO Improvements (3 February 2008 - see link 
below) including:

    * Developing new GNSO website requirements including document management 
and collaboration tools;
    * Improving the GNSO's ability to solicit meaningful feedback; and
    * Improving the GNSO's coordination with other ICANN structures.

The CCT's Final Consolidated Recommendations report was approved by the OSC and 
forwarded to the Council effective 9 April 2010. To inform potential readers of 
the general content of the report, two main chapters address the following 

Chapter II: Technology Recommendations

    * The GNSO website;
    * Document management; and
    * Collaboration tools.

Chapter III: Communications and Coordination Recommendations

    * Soliciting community feedback;
    * Board-GNSO communications;
    * Cross SO/AC communication;
    * Time demands and prioritization; and
    * Other recommendations.

Document Links:

    * CCT Final Consolidated Recommendations [PDF, 479 KB]
    * CCT Wiki Space and Charter
    * GNSO Council Resolution Inviting Public Comment
    * The Board's GNSO Improvements Report (3 Feb 2008) [PDF, 193 KB]

The Process From Here:

At the end of this Public Comment Forum period, ICANN Staff will review the 
comments submitted and prepare a summary analysis of the various submissions 
for GNSO Council review.

Deadline and How to Submit Comments:

At the direction of the GNSO Council, the Staff is opening a 21-day public 
consultation forum, from 23 April through 13 May 2010 and invites community 
comments on this document.

The formal Public Comment Forum Box is located here: 

To submit comments: cct-recommendations@xxxxxxxxx

To view comments: http://forum.icann.org/lists/cct-recommendations/

Staff Responsible: Julie Hedlund

Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat

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