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[gnso-ppsc-pdp] Your input requested - recommendation 10 - 11 - Community input / How to incorporate public comments

  • To: "Gnso-ppsc-pdp@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-ppsc-pdp@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-ppsc-pdp] Your input requested - recommendation 10 - 11 - Community input / How to incorporate public comments
  • From: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 11 May 2010 02:46:45 -0700

For discussion / consideration:

 *   One possible recommendation discussed was to add a public comment period 
following the publication of the Issues Report and before a decision on the 
initiation of a PDP to allow for additional information missing from the Issues 
Report to be submitted, or correct or update any information in the Issues 
Report that is deemed incorrect. In addition, this would allow for the ICANN 
Community to express their views to the Council on whether to initiate a PDP or 
 *   A decision is needed on the timeframe for the delivery of an issues 
report. The WT could consider putting forward a number of different ranges for 
community consideration e.g. within thirty (30) calendar days / forty-five (45) 
calendar days / a period determined by the GNSO Council. The WT might also want 
to consider allowing the Council to modify this timeframe if it is deemed that 
additional research / discussion is required to develop an informed and 
balanced Issues Report.

>From PDP-WT – Draft Conclusions and Recommendations – Updated 11 May

7. Community input / How to incorporate public comments

Recommendation 10.

§  The PDP-WT recommends to modify the timeframes included in clause 1 – 
Creation of an Issues Report in Annex A in relation to the timeframe for the 
development and delivery of an issues report to [to be confirmed]

Recommendation 11.

§  Other recommendations to be decided

Community input / How to incorporate public comments

Current rules and practices

Concerns / Questions

7.a          Should there be a requirement to obtain public input at the stage 
of the request?
7.b          Should there be a need to build in flexibility for public 
consultation in the preparation of an issues report there where further 
information is desirable to complete the report?
7.c          Should constituencies be consulted at this stage e.g. their 
definition of the issue is and if/how it affects them?
7.d          How to incorporate community input at the planning / initiation 

PDP-WT Response

7.a          Some suggested that this could be optional, as a way to gather 
further input or information if this is deemed lacking. Others suggested that 
public comments should be invited once the Issues Report has been prepared, but 
before the GNSO Council decides on the initiation of a PDP. It was also 
suggested that stakeholders identified in the request for an issues report 
should be allowed to submit comments.
7.b          Some suggested that this should only happen on the request of the 
Council. Others added that the current timeline for an Issues Report is 
completely unrealistic; staff must have adequate time to consult with Community 
experts, advocates and opponents to develop a well-informed and balanced 
report. It was also suggested that public consultations and/or additional 
research should be possible in between the initial ‘issue paper’ and the 
recommendations, depending on the complexity of the topic. Again, it was 
emphasized that this should happen upon the instructions of the GNSO Council. 
In addition, it was proposed that community opinion should be sought after the 
issues report has been released, but before a decision is taken on the 
initiation of a PDP.
7.c          It was suggested that the party raising the issue could elect to 
do so if desired. Others suggested that with more time, constituencies could 
contribute to the Issues Report, but this should not be a requirement as it 
could delay the process. It was also noted that the important aspect is to make 
sure a diversity of viewpoints is represented in the Issues Report. Others 
noted that constituencies should be consulted after the publication of the 
Issues Report.
7.d          Some suggested that community input could be incorporated via 
workshops, birds of a feather or a public comment period and that all relevant 
information stemming from these activities should be incorporated in the Issues 
Report. Others suggested that a public consultation following the publication 
of the Issues Report should be considered to inform the GNSO Council of 
community views before deciding on the initiation of a PDP.

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