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[gnso-ppsc-pdp] Re: [gnso-ppsc] question of conflict of interest

  • To: "'avri@xxxxxxx'" <avri@xxxxxxx>, "'gnso-ppsc@xxxxxxxxx'" <gnso-ppsc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-ppsc-pdp] Re: [gnso-ppsc] question of conflict of interest
  • From: "Neuman, Jeff" <Jeff.Neuman@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 22:22:14 -0500

As I previously stated, I would step down as chair if that is the will of the 

 But on the last point, yes, we cannot be done in time for San Francisco given 
that we need to finish the draft final report (at least 30 days or more to 
complete), have a 30 day public comment period, analyze the comments, draft a 
final report, submit the report to the PPSC, have the PPSC review (and possibly 
send back questions to the Work Team), then prepare the final report to send to 
the Council.  It doesn't take a mathematician to figure out that all of that 
cannot be done in approx. 90 days.

Avri - if there are any questions on the above I would be happy to answer.   
Again, I will do whatever the group wants.
Jeffrey J. Neuman, Esq.
Vice President, Law & Policy
NeuStar, Inc.

----- Original Message -----
From: Avri Doria [mailto:avri@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 10:11 PM
To: gnso-ppsc@xxxxxxxxx <gnso-ppsc@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Gnso-ppsc-pdp@xxxxxxxxx <gnso-ppsc-pdp@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [gnso-ppsc] question of conflict of interest


The reason for concern is one should not simultaneously be in the position to 
decide that consensus has been reached on something, and be on the management 
committee that decide that the process was followed correctly.

I see no reason why having another chair step in in both the PPSC, that does 
almost nothing and has quite a good alternate chair, and on the PDP WT should 
slow anything down.  Do we really believe in the indispensability of a single 
person? I do not  believe a new chair should/would would do anything different 
that what has been to date - and it is not like we have been moving very 
quickly, and we do have a good staff shepherd to keep things moving at least at 
fast as we are going at the moment.

It was quite disturbing to see the conversation in the council today that would 
not accept that this group could work any quicker and even try to get the work 
done in time for San Francisco.  


On 8 Dec 2010, at 20:37, Mike Rodenbaugh wrote:

> I see no reason for concern...
> Mike Rodenbaugh
> tel/fax:  +1 (415) 738-8087
> http://rodenbaugh.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-gnso-ppsc@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-ppsc@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
> Of Neuman, Jeff
> Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 4:35 PM
> To: 'avri@xxxxxxx'; 'gnso-ppsc@xxxxxxxxx'; 'gnso-ppsc-pdp@xxxxxxxxx';
> 'council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
> Subject: Re: [gnso-ppsc] question of conflict of interest
> Thanks Avri.  I understand your concern and if those on the PPSC and PDP-WT
> or the Council believe that I will not be able to do both, I will step down
> as Chair of both the SC and WT.  
> I will note, however, that there is no bylaw or operational procedure that
> bars a council member from serving as the chair of a working group and I am
> fine with continuing to serve as well.
> That said, I am happy to follow the will of the Council and the policy
> teams.
> Jeffrey J. Neuman, Esq.
> Vice President, Law & Policy
> NeuStar, Inc.
> Jeff.Neuman@xxxxxxxxxxx
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Avri Doria [mailto:avri@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 07:22 PM
> To: gnso-ppsc@xxxxxxxxx <gnso-ppsc@xxxxxxxxx>; Gnso-ppsc-pdp@xxxxxxxxx
> <gnso-ppsc-pdp@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: [gnso-ppsc] question of conflict of interest
> hi,
> As I have done before in other circumstances, I question the legitimacy of
> having a chair for the PPSC  or the PDP WT who has ascended to the GNSO
> council and is one of its vice-chairs    I believe that the influence a
> council member, who is in the position of approving or disapproving the work
> of PPSC and its WTs is not consistent with also being a Chair of either the
> PPSC or of a WT.
> This is a personal question at this point, but I will be forwarding this
> note to the NCSG  to seek their advice on the issue.
> thanks
> a

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