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RE: [gnso-ppsc-pdp] Updated outstanding issues document + action items

  • To: "James M. Bladel" <jbladel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-ppsc-pdp] Updated outstanding issues document + action items
  • From: Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2011 15:20:43 -0500

This has not been a problem in the past. We have had only 2 such cases of an AC requesting an Issues Report; one was easily approved with a few no votes (DOmain tasting) and the other was approved unanimously.

The issue was raised by Avri and I had volunteered to try to craft some words to reflect the intent of what had been said during the discussion.

Is the text as I originally prepared it acceptable, without the addition. That is, a meeting may be requested and following that the AC may submit a statement requesting a re-vote, but with no requirement that the Council Agree. Or should it be silent of a re-vote but allow a Councillor to submit a new motion to approve the PDP (without explicit words such as that, I think that it would need to go back to a new Issues Report otherwise).


At 05/02/2011 10:04 AM, James M. Bladel wrote:
This seems as though we are creating a "Reconsideration Request" at the
Council level.  Why?  Has this been a problem in the past?

I agree that establishing a post-vote dialogue between the Council and
the requesting SO/AC is a good idea.  But I disagree that a re-vote is
required.  Mandating that the Council re-vote on the issue undermines
their role as managers of the policy development process, and it's easy
to predict that -every- PDP that does not pass the Council will require
two votes.

I could support the exception scenario in which the SO/AC believes there
were material omissions in the issues report, and that Council needs to
reconsider new information that wasn't available during their first



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [gnso-ppsc-pdp] Updated outstanding issues document +
action items
From: Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, February 03, 2011 1:44 pm
To: PDP WT <gnso-ppsc-pdp@xxxxxxxxx>

 On rereading this, it may be taken the "requesting a re-vote" could be
refused by the GNSO. Changing the end of the sentence to "... for such a
re-vote which cannot be refused by the GNSO Council." fixes it, but
perhaps there is a more elegant way of phrasing it.


 At 03/02/2011 02:14 PM, Alan Greenberg wrote:
 At 03/02/2011 11:42 AM, Marika Konings wrote:
+ Recommendation # 18 - There was support for modifying the
recommendation so that it would highlight that dialogue between GNSO
Council members and the requesting AC would be adesirable option to
pursue following a vote against the initiation of a PDPeither to better
understand the reasons for declining a PDP and/or determining whether
there would be options to modify the request so that it would receive
support. Alan agreed to draft language for consideration by the WT.

 Draft text for Recommendation 18

 The PDP-WT recommends that if the GNSO votes to not initiate a PDP
following an Issues Report requested by an AC, the AC or its
representatives should have the right to a meeting with representatives
of the GNSO, and in particular, those voting against the PDP, to discuss
the rationale for the rejection and why the AC feels that
reconsideration is appropriate. Following this meeting, the AC may
submit a statement to the GNSO Council requesting a re-vote and giving
it's rationale for such re-vote. This process may be followed just once
for any given Issues Report.

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