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[gnso-ppsc-wg] A question from the GNSO Operations work team. (GCOT)

  • To: Working Group <gnso-ppsc-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-ppsc-wg] A question from the GNSO Operations work team. (GCOT)
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 19:21:21 +0100


An issue came up in the GCOT - which was sort of a side issue to the GCOT but 
may be a reasonable issue for WGWT.

The issue started with question of whether statement and declarations of 
interest (SOI/DOI) were to be dealt with in an online form.

At this point an issue I brought up was whether we could expect everyone, 
including participants from remote and developing regions, to necessarily have 
the bandwidth and tools to handle online forms.  This led to a discussion of 
the minimum modalities for participation in a working group.

The basic modality we seemed to accept was email access and the ability to 
handle word 97-2004 and pdf.  And of course the ability to be dial-in into a 

But this prompted the question of whether this was really a question to the 
WGWT and I was volunteered to send a question to this group on the subject, as 
I did not remember us having handled this particular question.

I have now done so.



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