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RE: [gnso-pro-wg] Suggested Recommendations / Principles

  • To: gnso-pro-wg@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-pro-wg] Suggested Recommendations / Principles
  • From: Tim Ruiz <tim@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 09:32:46 -0700

That was discussed on&nbsp;earlier calls and on the list.&nbsp;And I
understood that&nbsp;there was general agreement to that approach. The SOW for 
this group is:</div>
(1) Document the additional protections implemented by existing
operators beyond the current terms in the registration agreement
existing dispute resolution mechanisms to the protect the legal
rights<BR>of others during the domain name registration process, 
during the initial start up of a new gTLD where there is contention
what Registrants perceive as the "best" names.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The
should identify the problems that the protections were intended
solve.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The working group should establish definitions
of terms used<BR>
in this document to ensure a common understanding amongst members of
working group.&nbsp; These definitions would only be in the context of
document, and without prejudice to the meaning of these terms in
other<BR>legal contexts.</div>
For (1) I think this group, under Kristina's guidance, has done a good
job here. It is a little disappointing that there were so few repsonses to the 
questionaire but I don't think we're surprised by that. All in all, a decent 
effort on this item.<BR><BR>
(2) Determine whether to recommend to Council a best practices
approach<BR>to providing any additional protections beyond the current 
agreement and UDRP policy&nbsp; for the legal rights of others during
domain name registration process, particularly during the initial
up of a new gTLD where there is contention for what Registrants
as the "best" names.&nbsp;&nbsp; A best practices document could be
incorporated<BR>into the material for the application process for new gTLD 
The GNSO could elect in future to use the policy development
process<BR>(PDP) to create a Consensus Policy in this area.<BR></div>
Regarding (2) I thought we agreed that -&nbsp;Yes, a best practices
approach should be recommended. However, it was suggested by myself and others 
agreed (with no&nbsp;voiced objections) that we would call it suggested 
guidelines instead of best practices as the latter may have negative 
connotations if a gTLD operator chose not to apply all of the suggested 
guidelines. The&nbsp;careful wording&nbsp;of this work item&nbsp;makes it clear 
that there is no intention of the Council to recommend as a matter of policy 
that prior rights&nbsp;mechanisms to be *required* by new gTLD operators. 
However, they do leave open the option for themselves to consider policy in 
this area at a later date.</div>
<div>&nbsp;<BR><BR>Tim <BR></div>
<div   name="wmMessageComp">
solid" webmail="1">-------- Original Message --------<BR>Subject: RE: 
[gnso-pro-wg] Suggested Recommendations / Principles<BR>From: "Griffin, Lance" 
&lt;Lance.Griffin@xxxxxxxxxx&gt;<BR>Date: Thu, May 10, 2007 11:11 am<BR>To: 
"Tim Ruiz" &lt;tim@xxxxxxxxxxx&gt;, &nbsp;&lt;gnso-pro-wg@xxxxxxxxx&gt;<BR><BR>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=056341016-10052007><FONT face=Arial 
color=#0000ff size=2>Tim:</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=056341016-10052007><FONT face=Arial 
color=#0000ff size=2></FONT></SPAN>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=056341016-10052007><FONT face=Arial 
color=#0000ff size=2>What do you base the following on?</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=056341016-10052007><FONT face=Arial 
color=#0000ff size=2></FONT></SPAN>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left><SPAN class=056341016-10052007>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: 
It is also understood that the overriding recommendation of this WG will
be that the selection of such processes should be left up to the gTLD Registry 
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: 
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: 
<DIV class=OutlookMessageHeader lang=en-us dir=ltr align=left>
<HR tabIndex=-1>
<FONT face=Tahoma size=2><B>From:</B>
 owner-gnso-pro-wg@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-pro-wg@xxxxxxxxx]
<B>On Behalf Of </B>Tim Ruiz<BR><B>Sent:</B> Thursday, May 10, 2007 8:20 
AM<BR><B>To:</B> gnso-pro-wg@xxxxxxxxx<BR><B>Subject:</B> [gnso-pro-wg] 
Suggested Recommendations / Principles<BR></FONT><BR></DIV>
<DIV></DIV>Attached.<BR><BR>Tim </BLOCKQUOTE></DIV>

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